Fotogallery: Seleziona Yahoo! Sport - Foto
Yahoo! Italia - Brian Joubert from France reacts during an official for the World Figure Skating Championships in Tokyo, Monday, March 19, 2007. The World Fi - Lunedì Marzo 19, 5:21 AM Brian Joubert from ...
Telkomsel Luncurkan "Kartu As Hyperbola"
Antara Interactive - Management Telkomsel, Hendri Mulya Sjam, di Jakarta, Selasa, menjelaskan bahwa peluncuran Kartu As edisi Hyperbola ini merupakan tahap lanjut dari kerjasama PSSI dan Telkomsel sebagai "official mobile ...
informazione dall'iraq occupato
Uruk Net - The discussion comes down to how to respond to a likely failure, the last of Krepinevich's bullet-points on page 21, having discussed the decline in numbers quality in the official US armed ...
Juventus Stores e Juventus Corners
Juventus - NA) presso Fiorile Sport, a Milano presso Football Corner, a Roma presso Esedra, a Catania presso Teamsport, ad Aosta presso il Fans Store, a Riccione presso Discovery e a Varese presso Epi Official ...
Google: mai più nessun 'miserabile fallimento'
HTML.It - Un comunicato ( attraverso l' Official Google Webmaster Central Blog pone oggi fine alla cosa spiegando che una ...
Bush apre alla Siria, il Mossad ringrazia
Il Nuovo Riformista - veline lanciate dal Mossad per fare pressione sul governo Olmert. «Tanto per cominciare, noi non abbiamo mai impedito al governo israeliano di trattare con nessuno», racconta un senior official del ...
La Foppa riceve Forlì
Eco di Bergamo - OFFICIAL STORE . Riaprirà domenica alle 16.00 l'Official Store Rossoblù: tute, maglie da gara, t-shirt e cappelli griffati Radio Foppapedretti saranno in vendita in esclusiva all'interno ...
Mondiali di freestyle, sale la febbre a Madonna di Campiglio
FISI - tanti annunciati "party" gli organizzatori propongono la cerimonia ufficiale di apertura lunedì 5 marzo e quella di chiusura sabato 10, quindi un "Athletes Party" martedì 6 e l' Official ...
Libri "liberati" in tutta Italia
La Repubblica - con 'Passalibro', nient'altro che bookcrossing radiofonico, lanciato nel 2002 nel corso del Festivaletteratura di Mantova. E mentre aumentano le Official ...
Visto 109 volte
Fiorentina - La Fiorentina "tiene" per tutta la partita. In dieci. Dopo l'espulsione davvero ingenua di Dainelli che lascia i propri compagni in grande difficoltà per tutta la gara. Ma i viola di Prandelli ...
SAN FRANCISCO / Ex-official's lawyer says contractor lied to FBI / Man is charged taking bribes for building ... (San Francisco Chronicle)
Augustine Fallay, the former San Francisco building inspection official on trial for allegedly soliciting bribes, is an honest man who was taken advantage of by an unscrupulous contractor who later told lies as an FBI informant, his lawyer told jurors ...
Darfur-like crisis brewing in Chad, CAR: US official (AFP via Yahoo! News)
A "perfect storm of violence" is spilling from Sudan into Chad Central African Republic (CAR), creating a possible new humanitarian crisis, a senior US official told a US Congress panel Tuesday....
US official meets Hamas-led cabinet minister (AFP via Yahoo! News)
A senior US official met an independent member of the new Palestinian unity government on Tuesday as world powers mulled how to deal a cabinet led by the Islamist Hamas movement....
School Official Criminal Past Stirs Debate (WESH via Yahoo! News)
Accusations resignations filled a Central Florida School's board meeting Monday as angered parents said they want a school official kicked off campus....
Palestinian: U.S. official makes first contact new government (USA Today)
A U.S. diplomat met Tuesday the Palestinian finance minister, a Palestinian official said, in the first American contact the new coalition government a sign of a break in policy between Israel its closest ally....
Official: Saddam Hussein's former deputy hanged in Iraq (Contra Costa Times)
The former deputy in Saddam Hussein's government was hanged before dawn Tuesday for the killings of 148 Shiites, an official the prime minister's office said....
US official meets Palestinian minister (AFP via Yahoo! News)
A senior United States official met on Tuesday for the first time a member of the new Palestinian unity cabinet, holding talks finance minister Salam Fayyad, officials said....
American official at Unesco quits amid auditing rebuke (International Herald Tribune)
Peter Smith resigned before the release of an official report saying that he had violated rules by granting contracts to a U.S. consulting firm without open bidding....
Navajo seek official's ouster (The Salt Lake Tribune)
Utah's Navajo tribal leaders are ratcheting the pressure on the state's top public lands official. After a former Navajo tribal councilman went public in January complaints about Lynn Stevens - who heads Utah's Public Lands Policy Coordination Office - members of the Navajo Utah Commission asked Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr....
Official can testify in civil death trial (Montgomery Advertiser)
BIRMINGHAM -- A former Colombian security official who claims he saw an official of Alabama-based Drummond Ltd. pay for the murders of union leaders in the South American country can testify in the upcoming civil trial over the deaths, a federal judge ruled Tuesday....

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