special features

in English

a bike with a view Take a bike, a tent and your partner - find a lake and get a new life

cabiria's nights I used to get there with my old Volkswagen Beetle, parking in the square just in front of the bar

firenze When thinking of Florence, anyone who has already seen this beautiful city immediately thinks of Renassaince, art galleries and crowds of tourists. But there are other, more valid reasons to choose Florence as the goal of an Italian journey - its location, its countryside and the Historical Fancy-Dress Footbal game

behind a mask Venice is considered the most romantic city in Italy, the city of lovers, gentlemen and suitors. Since Casanova's time the women of Venice have been known for their beauty and flirtatiousness. I went to Venice to explore the mystique of Europe's city of romance, La Serenissima (The most serene republic)

bicycle thieves The worst thing about having your bike stolen is to know who`s got it and not have the right to have it back. The law seems to protect bicycle thieves more than cycle owners. You can pay good money for your bicycle, ride it for years, but if you are not cautious one day someone may say it`s theirs, not yours

dreams can come true I'm not a famous journalist. I've never written fiction, and my mother tongue is Italian. But if you are reading this in a magazine, this means that I've understood the snags and tricks of the freelance journalist

leonardo's bicycle After the restoration of one of Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks, a scribble of a two-wheeler was found in the renaissance genius' manuscripts. It was thought to be the drawing of the first bicycle. Later historians suspected it was a monk's XX century fake

cavetown Caveman's dwellings can be explored in the ravines between the insole and the heel of the boot Italy. Since ye olde times nomad shepherds have lived in these caverns out of necessity. Now is one of the trendiest places in South of Italy

wooden bike Bicycle historians argue over whether Leonardo da Vinci was the inventor of the bicycle, but there are no doubts that a modern day craftman from the same area of Italy made a workable modern two-wheeler from wood

bohemian london What's generally associated with the word "Bohemian"? Maybe a young artist, an attic in Paris Montmarte, dirty dishes in the sink, bills to pay and no money for the milk. But what if the same scenario is in a basement flat in London Stoke Newington?

florence - the cradle of modern football The game that claims to be the origin of modern football takes place under controversial conditions every June in Florence

in Italiano

New Zealand Se all'American Cup, Black Magic andava a gonfie vele, non si può dire lo stesso per l'economia neozelandese. I venti di riforma dei vari governi di sinistra e di destra, si sono rivoltati verso i contribuenti

la bicicletta di Leonardo Chi ha inventato la bicicletta ? Una di quelle domande che a volte ci chiediamo o che ci pongono alcuni giornali, incuriosendoci a comprare la prossima pubblicazione dove verá pubblicata la risposta. Chi ha inventato l`areoplano o l`elicottero? o il cappotto o il pantalone? e la cariola? Si chi ha inventato la cariola?

una serata alla TV a Londra on line Ieri sera ero stanco. Insolito ma vero. Da quando sono tornato dalle 2 settimane in Italia passate a dormire fino a tardi ed a (ri)assaporare i buoni piatti di mamma, la stanchezza tipica del bel paese mi è ritornata come per ricordarmi le mie origini

freelance a Londra e' bello Cari direttori di giornali, perché non date un po' più di spazio al nuovo?



