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Stores Magazine - Simple Alternative to e-Mail Marketing
Stores Magazine - Simple Alternative to e-Mail Marketing. Shoppers are opting out of retailer-generated communication in increasing numbers and for any number of reasons. What they find particularly annoying are e-mails sent too
Eugene Volokh on Alternative Justifications for Abortion Rights
Eugene Volokh has written an article in the Harvard Law Review arguing that abortion is constitutional. This is not shocking. The Supreme Court has made clear that abortion is constitutional. However, he is arguing -- rather than from
Alternative Fuels
The need for alternative fuel has risen over the last few years. We are starting see that we are very much in need for western fuel more then ever before. This Article explains the different types of fuel that we can use in the future
Center Split by Debate Over Alternative Fuels
A hotly contested debate over the use of biofuels as a solution to the world’s energy crisis has surfaced at a recently established campus center, which brings experts from various fields together to improve transportation
Health Canada warns against four supplements promoted to treat disease
Health Canada is advising consumers not to use four unauthorized natural health products that are promoted to treat serious health conditions
Animal testing alternative has ticks trembling at the knees
The thousands of test animals currently required to evaluate new pesticides could be replaced by tricking ticks into setting up home on a faux cow hide, reports Jennifer Rohn for Chemistry & Industry, the magazine of the SCI.
Therapy dogs, fresh flowers, and a healing environment reduce bacteria
Therapy dogs, fresh flowers, and a healing environment reduce bacteria, study of one observer shows
Alternative to penis enlargement surgery
An unique, targeted and medically backed penis enlargement system that is clinically proven effective. No pills, no surgery
Chronic fatigue syndrome is real, experts finally tell us
Chronic fatigue syndrome affects millions of Americans, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Speechless: Alternative Interrogation
According an article in the Washington Post, the Bush administration now claims in federal court that terrorism suspects should not be permitted to discuss the “alternative interrogation methods” used on them.

AlterNet: Home
Syndication service and online community of the alternative press, featuring news stories from alternative newsweeklies, magazines and web publications.
Open Directory - Health: Alternative
the entire directory, only in Health/Alternative "Alternative" search on:. AltaVista - A9 - AOL - Ask - Clusty - Gigablast - Google - Lycos - MSN
Alternative Radio
A weekly one-hour public affairs radio program that provides analyses and views that are ignored or distorted in most media.
Alternative Tentacles - Store
Alternative Tentacles Records supplies the world with punk rock music from the Dead Kennedys, Nomeansno, and Jello Biafra. Featuring secure online ordering.
The Alternative Medicine Homepage
Information on unconventional, unorthodox, unproven, or alternative, complementary, innovative, integrative therapies. Maintained by Charles B. Wessel,

Alternative Tentacles - Store
Alternative Tentacles Records supplies the world with punk rock music from the Dead Kennedys, Nomeansno, and Jello Biafra. Featuring secure online ordering.
The Alternative Medicine Homepage
Information on unconventional, unorthodox, unproven, or alternative, complementary, innovative, integrative therapies. Maintained by Charles B. Wessel,
Alternative Medicine, Home for Natural Remedies & Healthy Solutions
Complementary and alternative medicine information about common health conditions, including natural remedies, holistic healthcare, healing foods,
Alternative rock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The terms alternative rock and alternative music [1] (also simply called The music now known as alternative rock was known by a variety of terms before
Alternative Comics: Publisher of cool comic books & graphic novels
Alternative Comics, publishers of cool comic books, releases some of the most original and intelligent titles being created today.
Free-Codecs.com : QuickTime Alternative 1.76 final : QuickTime
Download QuickTime Alternative 1.76 : QuickTime Alternative will allow you to play QuickTime files (.mov, .qt and other extensions) without having to
EERE: Alternative Fuels Data Center Home Page
Provides information on alternative vehicle fuels and transportation technologies and related legislation. The center also distributes the newsletter
Centre for Alternative Technology Home Page
CAT aims to 'inspire, inform, and enable' people to live more sustainably. A solutions driven organisation, offering practical solutions to environmental
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