100_snapshots :
The low-pressure-photo-challange community.

100_snapshots is a low-pressure community created by Live Journal to challenge you to pick up that dusty camera in the corner in order to improve yourself.
You can be a professional, a beginner, or maybe just bored and in search of something to get you on your feet.
The challenge?
Their've created a list of 100 words.
You're to interpret them any way you like,
And take a photo to represent each.

After you've joined the community, you're all set to begin.
The goal is to finish all 100.
There is no time limit.
They do not have to be completed in order.
You may post the pictures all at once, or as you take them.
After you finish all 100, a link will be placed next to your name on The List to a page of all your photos. It shall be glorious!
Try to be creative, and think of things in more than just a literal sense!

Are you up for it?

Yes, I am!
I joined this community and I'm having fun taking pictures for The List.
Sometimes I'm creative in my shots sometimes I'm more literal sense.
In this pages there are all my shots taken for the community.

View the photo arranged in pages (10 x page):
[ Introducing ]
[ pag. 01 ] [ pag. 02 ] [ pag. 03 ] [ pag. 04 ] [ pag. 05 ] [ pag. 06 ] [ pag. 07 ] [ pag. 08 ] [ pag. 09 ] [ pag. 10 ]
[ pag. 11 ] [ pag. 12 ] [ pag. 13 ] [ pag. 14 ] [ pag. 15 ] [ pag. 16 ] [ pag. 17 ] [ pag. 18 ] [ pag. 19 ] [ pag. 20 ]

View the photo one by one, LIST ONE:
(all topics are covered.)
01. Safety
02. Stale
03. Feathered
04. Hot
05. Open
06. Forever
07. Love
08. Touch
09. Colorless
10. Blue
11. Smell
12. Growth
13. Irony
14. Wrong
15. More
16. Feel
17. Muse
18. Child
19. Within
20. Pale
21. Earth
22. Torn
23. Scars
24. Stray
25. Drops
26. Against
27. Dry
28. Fresh
29. Covered
30. Bold
31. High
32. Shadow
33. Concrete
34. Vein
35. Rush
36. Yellow
37. Empty
38. Cliché
39. Central
40. Loss
41. Wonder
42. Sweet
43. Poetry
44. Heavy
45. Fall
46. Chair
47. Statue
48. Kool-Aid
49. Dark
50. Breath
51. Garbage
52. Silk
53. Teacher
54. Cream
55. Wash
56. Corner
57. Rose
58. Field
59. Two
60. Red
61. Music
62. Rope
63. Decrepit
64. Chase
65. Dream
66. Dance
67. Smile
68. Smirk
69. Reflection
70. Soul
71. Lock
72. Key
73. Rust
74. Find
75. Lose
76. Drag
77. Wind
78. Rest
79. Swing
80. Meeting
81. Vacant
82. Hazy
83. Release
84. Gather
85. Swarm
86. Road
87. Wait
88. Stand
89. Distance
90. Trapped
91. Desk
92. Detach
93. Shatter
94. Home
95. Shy
96. Tackle
97. Begin
98. End
99. Time
100. Life
View the photo one by one, LIST TWO:
(Attention: not all topics are covered.)
01. Wild
02. Animated
03. Overlook
04. Browse
05. Trajectory
06. Weird
07. Treasure
08. Friend
09. Miss
10. Cross
11. Square
12. Wooden
13. Beauty
14. Shine
15. Delicious
16. Lush
17. Tangled
18. Three
19. Pass
20. Endless
21. Close
22. Hide
23. Black
24. Texture
25. Connected
26. Worn
27. Family
28. Wave
29. Show
30. Stage
31. Suspended
32. Picture
33. Block
34. Faith
35. Free
36. Electric
37. Cosmic
38. Carved
39. Secret
40. Laugh
41. Chill
42. Splendour
43. Green
44. Path
45. Curve
46. Support
47. Whirl
48. Hard
49. Edge
50. Construction
51. Lie
52. Notice
53. Deck
54. Decorative
55. Full
56. Together
57. Danger
58. Elemental
59. Chip
60. Up
61. Last
62. Discard
63. Zen
64. Words
65. Thrill
66. Face
67. Enigma
68. Old
69. Fly
70. Tie
71. Glare
72. Progress
73. One
74. Strength
75. View
76. Shelf
77. Drop
78. Miniature
79. Spring
80. Sparkle
81. Snap
82. Inside
83. Inspiration
84. Hole
85. Collect
86. Hook
87. Ripple
88. Work
89. Surface
90. Share
91. Over
92. Drive
93. Surprise
94. Cool
95. Never
96. Hand
97. Climb
98. Wheel
99. Shallow
100. Deep