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October 26 2006 from Akeem + photos from Kajron


Depleted Uranium
How the Pentagon Radiates Soldiers & Civilians with DU Weapons

Second Edition

Selections compiled and edited by the Depleted Uranium Education Project
International Action Center
New York City

In May, 1997, the International Action Center published a book of essays and lectures on depleted uranium: the contamination of the planet by the United States military. http://members.virtualtourist.com/m/p/m/2f9a7d/In addition to exposing the deadly duplicity of the Department of Defense, the book documents the genocide of Native Americans and Iraqis by military radiation, the connection between depleted uranium and Gulf War Syndrome, the underestimated dangers from low-level radiation, the legal ramifications of DU Production and Use, and the growing movement against DU.

Depleted Uranium Keeps On Killing
List of Articles
Depleted uranium is the war crime of the late 20th and early 21st century.

That "tank-busting," "armor-piercing" artillery carried by "A-10 Warthogs" in Iraq and Yugoslavia was made of Depleted Uranium. It leaves radioactive particles in the air, water, soil, and food chain. These tasteless, invisible particles, if ingested and absorbed into your body's tissues, quietly kill.

There are scientists and doctors who believe that at least some of the "Gulf War Syndrome" symptoms suffered by veterans and their offspring were caused by radioactive debris and dust from "tank-busting" Depleted Uranium artillery used during the 1991 Iraq war. Eleven years later, DU shell holes in the vehicles along the "Highway of Death" were 1,000 times more radioactive than background radiation. Shortly after the bombing stopped in Iraq War Round II, it was estimated that four times more Depleted Uranium was used than in the first Gulf War. Scientists around the world sounded an alarm, in part because of the evidence of severe birth defects from prior usage.

The U.S. military website for Aberdeen Proving Grounds describes Depleted Uranium as radioactive, toxic, and of concern for the environment.

Yet the United States government has been allowing the sale of these weapons to NATO and six other countries (according to the Washington Post, and at least 17 countries already have them, the Christian Science Monitor reports)!


When BBC and Reuters stories appeared during the bombing of Yugoslavia, we decided it was time to educate ourselves and help educate you about this little-discussed, extremely dangerous weapon that (according to the Washington Post, April 11, 1999) can now be SOLD to such favorites of the U.S. as Argentina, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Egypt, Israel, and the 19 NATO nations, such sales to be backeDepleted Uraniump by U.S. taxpayer-guaranteed loans.

Soldiers boasting that "uranium bullets are the best" - lost uranium bullets in Puerto Rico - d.u. testing in Panama, and Japan, and Aberdeen Proving Grounds Maryland, USA, and who knows where else - do you find this scary?

Read the articles at the left -- collected from news agencies, reputable research organizations, and military websites -- and when you're done, maybe you'll know enough to speak out. We sure hope so.

One book you might want to read is the illustrated collection of interviews of victims of Gulf War d.u., "Discounted Casualties: The Human Cost of Depleted Uranium," by Japanese journalist Akira Tashiro. If your library doesn't have a copy, request one, and then let the school teachers know about it.

Please help spread this disturbing information far and wide. Please call your local radio, tv, and newspapers and ask them to broadcast/publish information about Depleted Uranium. Contact your politicians and ask for laws banning Depleted Uranium weapons. And keep checking back here to read the most recent articles and literature about Depleted Uranium.
Agent Orange
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For other uses, see Agent Orange (disambiguation).

Vietnam. Defoliation Mission. A UH-1D helicopter from the 336th Aviation Company sprays a defoliation agent on a dense jungle area in the Mekong delta., July 26, 1969Agent Orange was the nickname given to a powerful herbicide and defoliant used by the U.S. military in its Herbicidal Warfare program during the Vietnam War. Agent Orange was used from 1961 to 1971, and was by far the most used of the so-called "rainbow herbicides" used during the program. Agent Orange (as well as Agents Purple, Pink, Blue, White, and Green) contained dioxins which are known to have caused harm to the health of those exposed during the Vietnam War. Studies of populations highly exposed to dioxin indicate increased risk of various types of cancer and genetic defects; the effect of long term low level exposure has not been established. Since the 1980s, several lawsuits have been filed against the companies who produced Agent Orange, among them being Dow Chemical and Monsanto. U.S. veterans obtained $180 million in compensation in 1984, while Australian, Canadian and New Zealand veterans also obtained compensation in an out-of-court settlement the same year. In 1999, 20,000 South Koreans filed a lawsuit in Korea; in January 2006,
the Korean Appeal Court ordered Monsanto and Dow to pay $62 million in compensation to about 6,800 people. However, no Vietnamese have obtained compensation, and on March 10, 2005 Judge Jack Weinstein of Brooklyn Federal Court dismissed the lawsuit filed by the Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange against the chemical companies that produced the defoliants/herbicides.

Chechnya.....with Russian SPETNAZ!

More false testimonies against Zakayev being extorted by torture

CHECHENPRESS, 6 October 2006

Rizvan Elbiyev, captured by Russian invaders in April 2006, is hospitalised in critical condition in late September, after four months of severe tortures. His lawyer told his relatives that Russian chastisers have tortured Mr. Elbiyev to make him give false testimonies against Akhmed Zakayev, the ChRI Foreign Minister now living in London. Moscow wants to use such false testimonies in order to continue its attempts to have Mr. Zakayev extradited to Russia.

Mr. Elbiyev, resident of Achkhoi-Martan District, served under President Djokhar Dudayev during the First Russian-Chechen War, with responsibility for Russian prisoners of war. His job was to collect the POWs from various Chechen units who had captured them, and to ensure they were kept in special camps and treated according to the principles of international law.

Only now, after Mr. Elbiyev was hospitalised, his relatives have learned he was still alive. According to the information of "Memorial" human rights centre in Russia, after four months of cruel tortures and beating, Mr. Elbiyev has become nearly blind, hardly can walk, and suffers from severe headache. His requests for medical aid were repeatedly rejected before. Concerned with his condition, Mr. Elbiyev's relatives have applied to the "Memorial" centre asking to make the case public. The Russian human rights activists are now preparing a relevant statement.

It is not the first time when the Russian chastisers, following the Kremlin's instructions, are preparing a false witness against Mr. Zakayev by means of torture and beating. A similar case became known in 2003, when Duk-Vakha Dushuyev, "the key witness for the prosecution" at the court hearing of Mr. Zakayev's case, went out of control of Russian special services. Mr. Dushuyev sensationally turned into the key witness for the defence, telling the court how a false testimony against Mr. Zakayev had been extracted from him under torture.
13 marzo 2003 - "Ecco mi son sfogato, a me la macchina serviva quel giorno! Comunque non è stata una cosa così negativa, qualche famiglia ha potuto passeggiare in santa pace e lasciare i bambini liberi anche per strada, come succedeva più spesso anni fa, adesso i bimbi sembrano tutti rintanati in casa a relazionare solo con gli elettrodomestici, le TV e i PC che non ti insegnano la realtà, ma quella virtuale,che spesso è deviante.........
Devo dire però che questi blocchi del traffico e anche certe famose piste ciclabili, sono fatte grazie agli ecoincentivi di Eurolandia, voglio dire vengono dati soldi per fare queste cose al comune, se dimostra di realizzare queste cose e insomma sono un bel guadagno per le casse del comune, che non fa mai le cose agratis, ricordatevelo, non è beneficienza per la gente, la realtà è che lo fanno maggiormente per il ritorno in pecunia. Fan sempre così, qui a Selvazzano l'hanno fatto quelli della DC, quelli della sinistra e ora quelli di destra, xè sempre un magnamagna tosi :P
Ciao ciao, alla prox......."

+ + + + +

7 marzo 2003 - "Blocco del traffico": non serve a nulla, è una presa in giro, se veramente volessero avesse effetto, dovrebbero bloccare il traffico almeno per qualche mese, un giorno di non smog contro 6 di smog è una stronzata, rendetevene conto. In più è contro la libertà vostra, perchè nessuno è venuto a chiedervi se vi va bene o no, l'hanno scelto Loro"

Qui a Tencarola,dove vivo, senza neanche darvi un volantino preventivo, ho un consultivo, che vergogna.........e passata la camionetta col megafono e quindi è stato imposto come dato di fatto "traffico chiuso da tot ora a tot ora", se io fossi la cittadinanza, uscirei tutti con le macchine a clacsonate, non si risolve così il problema, diciamocelo chiaro, è una presa per il culo!
Almeno si chieda: "lo volete o no il blocco del traffico", se + del 50% che rispondono dice sì, si fa, se no, insomma un mini-referendum. Il mini-referendum costa, non me ne sbatte, chi mi impone di non uscire in macchina la domenica?

Tu che sei l'unica legge, che poi non sa un cakkio sul come risolvere veramente il problema inquinamento?

No così non si fa!


e-mail: halloyooh@yahoo.com

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Mr. Akeem's copyright 2002-03-04-05-06.

It's just a smile for Mr. Akeem

ref: oct 26 2006

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