info: W CHAT IT

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Personal Diplomacy (Washington Post) - Never underestimate the power of stroking. George W. Bush played to his base on Tuesday, or at least the media wing of his base, inviting a half-dozen conservative journalists in for a chat. I've always been surprised that Bush didn't do more of this, but I guess the world looks different when your . Tour Diary: Mission of Burma's Roger Miller (Pitchfork) - As the legendary Mission of Burma make their way down the West Coast on a week-long trek, guitarist Roger Miller shares his tour diary with Pitchfork. Stay tuned for daily entries ("Of course, it depends a bit on free WiFi," Miller says.). Frightened Jane Fonda Blasts Bush Over American Security ( - Movie star and activist Jane Fonda has blasted President George W. Bush on national TV because his international politics make her worry for the safety of her grandchildren. . Bush pushes back against Republican revolt on how to handle terror suspects (WLUC TV 6) - WHITE HOUSE President Bush has come out swinging in his campaign to get Congress to accept his controversial proposal for interrogating and trying terror suspects.. Ron Kantowski visits Clark High School, where the football team has lost 34 consecutive games (Las Vegas Sun) - It is just before the end of fifth period at Clark High School when a visitor who has stopped by to chat with Don Willis, the school's football coach, is told to wait while he is summoned.. Smackdown: The King's court divided? (Slam! Sports) - Plenty of wrestling on tonight's Smackdown coming to you from Worcester, Mass. A main event #1 contender contest for the World title between Lashley and Finlay threatens to tear apart King Booker's court.. Ray Fittipaldo chat transcript (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) - we_are: Is it me, or does D. Williams look a little unsteady out there. He's remarkably talented, but maybe its just my perception, but Norwood and Butler seem more consistent. Maybe he's still shaking off rust from the injury?. Up Next And Recaps (CBS News) - YOUR AD HERE Correspondent Elizabeth Kaledin reports on the proliferation of advertising in places you'd never imagine. THE NEW SEASON: Fashions. Some men’s and women’s clothing trends to look out for this fall…. Pope Benedict: What were you thinking? (The Manila Times) - During the 9/11 commemorative forum organized by the Philippine Council for Islam and Democracy on whether the world is a safer place, there was consensus on two points: First, NO! The world is not safer. Second, military operations alone will not neutralize terrorism.. FAMILY BRIEFS (Bradenton Herald) - Forty Carrots Family Center, 1500 S. Tuttle Ave, Sarasota, offers a varied schedule of events and programs, including:.

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