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Canada's 'War-on-Terror' Immigration Policy ( - Three terms are at play in the situation I wish to analyze. The first is a new Canadian government whose leader has espoused positions more right-wing than those of any prime minister in living memory-but is for the moment constrained to some degree by his party's minority position in parliament.. Panto Fun Proves a Source of Strength for Patients (RedNova) - By Ed Hill; Ruth O'Kelly-Lynch As the festive season approaches, actors will be looking over their shoulders to find out who's behind them.. Can Bush and Blair adopt the new language of Iraq? (The Scotsman) - BY BRITISH standards, it was hardly an impertinent question, but the inquiry from the veteran correspondent was enough to make several members of the White House press corps gasp.. Teacher hits out over Church role in tribunal appeal (The Scotsman) - A TEACHER who won a landmark tribunal after being turned down for a post because he was not a Roman Catholic has reacted angrily after it emerged the Church was to play a key role in a follow-up legal case.. Outreach program crosses state lines (The Kentucky Kernel) - A UK effort to increase math and science learning in Appalachia has crossed another state border. The Appalachian Mathematics and Science Partnership, a UK program that provides funding and training for future teachers, has recently expanded into West Virginia.. Religious hate crimes occur across whole of Scotland, says report (The Scotsman) - THE belief that sectarianism is a "west of Scotland problem" associated with football has been confounded by a new report, which reveals acts of religious hatred are being reported in almost every part of the country.. ASIAN GAMES - DOHA 2006, ROUNDUP (Gulf Times) - By Luke Phillips DOHA: China look set to sweep the medals table in weightlifting at the 15th Asiad in Doha, although there promises to be keen competition from Iranian and other central Asian countries lifters.. Independence 'will be gift to terrorists and illegal immigrants' (The Scotsman) - BREAKING up the Union would leave Scotland vulnerable to terrorist attack and a flood of illegal immigrants, John Reid, the Home Secretary, said yesterday in Labour's most scathing attack yet on the SNP.. Do mobiles ring in ill-health? (Daily News) - Nowadays, cellular phones have become an indispensable commodity. Several years back, cell phones were used mostly by men. But, today, women are using them on a grand scale. Due to the busy and tight lifestyles of todays women, it has become a big necessity to use a mobile phone.. Private sector vital to student targets (Financial Times) - Efforts to increase the number of people in higher education will falter without the involvement of the private sector, according to the head of Kaplan International, a US company which plans to award degrees in Britain..

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