History tells us our story

A Multilateral Comenius Project

This is our comenius project !

Starting in September 2011, this two-year multilateral comenius Project named ‘’History tells us our story‘’ will involve six schools. Italy,Turkey, Poland, Romania, Spain and Greece.The target group of this project is the pupils whose ages differ from 10 to 19.The aim of the project is to enhance the European dimension of education, to create awareness of their cultural heritage and European citizenship,to raise competence on ICT.
To make research and observation each partner country chose monuments or archeological sites (the Archeological area of Minturnae, Italy; the Ephesus Ancient City, Izmir, Turkey; the ruins of the monastery foundations near the Kazimierzowski Castle, Poland; the Amphitheater Porolissum, Romania; the church “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción” Trijueque, Spain; the Archeological area of Dion, Katerini, Greece.) During six project visits across two years all these sites will be visited.
During the work period The Italian Institute will detect all the monuments, the Romanian Institute will assume a 3D reconstruction, the Polish Institute will assume the improvement of the surrounding areas, the Greek Institute will make a calendar with photos and drawings, the Turkish school will do historical research of the monuments - elaborate videos with music support, and the Spanish students will do freehand-drawings. There will be a common effort that students will perform during the visits like creation of a model of the monument. All schools will produce a brochure about their own monuments.
The final product will be a website in which all works will be collected, not only in English, but also in the languages of all the partner countries.