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Biography > Curriculum vitae

Umberto Bombardelli - pictureUmberto Bombardelli was born in Milan (Italy) in 1954.

He studied Organ, Composition, Choir conducting and Gregorian Chant at the Ambrosian Pontifical Institute for Sacred Music, Milan. He graduated in Organ and Organistical Composition at the "G. Verdi" Conservatory in Milan, with L. Benedetti. He studied Composition with Pippo Molino and Niccolò Castiglioni. He also attended master classes in Computer Music with the teachers of CSC (Padova University, Italy).

He won several national composition competitions and was mentioned in some international ones.

His works were performed in Italy, Mexico, Finland, Holland, Sweden, Russia, Great Britain, Germany.

Some of his compositions are recorded on CDs.

Since 1993 to 2000 he was artistic director of the City Music School of Cinisello Balsamo (Italy).

In the same year, he was appointed Honorary Professor by the State Conservatory "M.I.Glinka", Novosibirsk (Russia).

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