IMDb: 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)
. Goofs: Revealing mistakes: During the undersea fishing sequence, there is a shot of a sea turtle that is stretched out of shape because it is non-anamorphic footage that was stretched out by the wide screen lens. It is had to know where to begin to list the wonderful achievements here, especially in adapting a book of almost a thousand pages, much of it filled with endless lists of the fish and fauna of the sea, of which Jules Verne was especially fond
The Perfect Storm DVD Review
. This is the true story about a crew of commercial fisherman who were stupid enough to be out in this mess. The Andrea Gail is a commercial fishing vessel with a crew of five plus Captain Billy Tyne, played here by George Clooney. Blood & Gore Not much, but you do need to be careful around fish hooks! Car Chases All sea action, no cars
Exile in Pleasantville
. M O V I E S By Charles Taylor Bionic Queen Mothers and walking fish: The strange world of British comedian Eddie Izzard (10/19/98) Reviewed by Charles Taylor Jonathan Demme panders to Toni Morrison's guilt-mongering in his brutal adaptation of her best-seller (10/16/98) Reviewed by Laura Miller Yet another suburban witch story with a wishy-washy moral: A sorceress's place is in the home (10/16/98) By Robert Glatzer A former film director decodes the in-jokes and ego trips lurking behind that never-ending list of names (10/09/98) Reviewed by Laura Miller In the new Robin Williams movie, heaven is a twee B&B (10/09/98) BROWSE THE MOVIE ARCHIVES S A L O N E M P O R I U M 12-ounce bag of Salon Blend with a purchase of $30 or more
God Among Directors: Arctic Blue
. Three toy-macho, vacationing SPORTSMEN are guzzling beer and BLASTING fish in the shallow river with 12-gauge shotguns

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Rob Kogan: Airplane! Script
. ( Oldlady has hung herself ) Elaine : Would you like to order dinner now? Father : Yes, Joey will have the steak and my wife and I will have the fish. Subtitle: I'LL HAVE THE FISH. What was it we had for dinner tonight? Elaine : Well, we had a choice, steak or fish. What did he have? Elaine : Fish . One thing, do you know what he had for dinner? Mother2 : Yes, of course, we both had fish. Elaine : Dr Rumack, Mr Hammond ate fish, and Randy said there five more cases and they all had fish too. Rumack : And the Co-Pilot had fish, what did the navigator have? Elaine : He had fish. Every passenger on this flight who had fish for dinner will become violently ill in the next half hour ( Oever notices he had fish and begins to come down with the symptoms as they are described ) Elaine : Just how serious is it Doctor? Rumack : Extremely serious. The life of everyone on board depends on one thing: finding someone on board who can not only fly this plane, but who didn't have fish for dinner
Greatest Films: Animal Crackers
. He recognizes Chandler as Abe Cabibble - a Czechoslovakian fish peddler. When Ravelli loudly chants: "Abie, the fish man, Abie, the fish man..., " Chandler offers a larger bribe - a $5, 000 check
IMDb: All About the Benjamins (2002)
. User Comments: This fish out of water story is been done too many times but it works thanks to Cube's and Epps' performances. | This fish out of water story is been done too many times but it works thanks to Cube's and Epps' performances
The Daily Script: Batman Returns
. Meanwhile I got badder fish to fry
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Barton Fink . They'll be hawking the fish down on Fulton Street. OLDER MAN FISH! FRESH FISH! As the man walks back off the screen: LILY Let's spit on our hands and get to work. BARTON Thanks, Richard, but I know for a fact the only fish you've ever seen were tacked to a the wall of the yacht club. The find of the evening was the author of this drama about simple folk - fish mongers, in fact - whose brute struggle for existence cannot quite quell their longing for something higher. Barton Fink." BARTON They'll be wrapping fish in it in the morning so I guess it's not a total waste. Early morning traffic is audible, as is the cry fishmongers. We can faintly hear the cry of the fishmongers
The Bounty's Acting Crew
. Ben Fish ® Harry Lauter (1914-1990)
Greatest Films - Bringing Up Baby
. There are also glass cases of other petrified animals around the perimeter, and framed fish hanging on the walls
God Among Directors: Body of Evidence
. Cardenas starts fishing through a can of NUTS, carefully extracting the cashews. Cardenas looks into his can of nuts and fishes for another cashew. The fish ain't biting today
. Now you can swim in it, you can fish in it, you can sail in it - but you can't drink it, you can't water your lawns with it, you can't irrigate an orange grove with it. Mulwray picks up a starfish. There are a couple of other pictures of Yelburton with yellowtail and other fish he's standing beside. There's also a small burgee of a fish with the initials A.C. 68 Gittes fishes a couple off the tray, puts them in his handkerchief pocket. He fishes out one of Yelburton's cards from his handkerchief pocket -- hands it to the Guard. 87 Escobar points down to the reservoir -- a couple of men using poles with hooks are fishing about in the water. 111 AT GITTES' CAR He fishes for his car keys, looks down -- one shoe is missing. I'll cut it off and feed it to my goldfish, understand? MULVIHILL Tell him you understand, Gittes
Big Movie Zone: Dolphins
. From rarely seen fish-herding behavior to a close-up look at complex communication activities, DOLPHINS will give audiences a fascinating new perspective on the lives of dolphins and their remarkable intelligence
The Deck Ran Red
. GRADE: A DREAM WITH THE FISHES (director/writer: Finn Taylor; screenwriters: based on a story by Finn Taylor and Jeffrey Brown; cinematographer: Barry Stone; editor: Rick LeCompte; music: Tito Larriva; cast: David Arquette (Terry), Brad Hunt (Nick), Kathryn Erbe (Liz), Cathy Moriarty (Nick's aunt), Patrick McGaw (Don), J.E. Fish probably have better dreams than this stinker. There is one noteworthy scene of a frightened fisherman from the mainland who has to get his boat repaired, that is a scary reminder of how ominously close Communist China is to Taiwan
Reeling Review of Dear Frankie
. Her attempt to find a proxy candidate fails miserably and she confides in her friend, Marie (Sharon Small), the owner of a local fish and chips shop. Having found a place above a Glasgow fish and chips shop, Lizzie enrolls Frankie (Jack McElhone, "Young Adam"), who is deaf, into a new school and begins working at Marie's (Pamela Reed lookalike Sharon Small, "About a Boy") restaurant
Dark Horizons: Ghost Ship Set Visit
. Pursers Area : Another set of stairs goes down into the Purser's Area which is dominated by a large cylindrical vertical fish tank filled with tropical fish (no doubt used for one scare scene later in the film) in the centre and various onboard shops around. Alaskan Bar : A recreation of a convincing looking pub complete with hazy smoke, billiards table, bar with all sorts of liquor (no actual alcohol sadly) topped with little Alaskan touches - a moose head with a cigarette (though sort of looked like a joint to me) in its mouth, carp fish heads with open heads hanging above the bar and wood everywhere. To build all the areas of the ship that we built, there's a purser's area where we have a big vertical fishtank which we've never seen before - and there's some action which takes place around that fishtank, I mean - you'll think your really on a boat. Question : How'd you come up with the vertical fishtank prop ? Answer : That sort of came about that way through a whole heap of stuff, they wanted to put something in the tank like a body
Gods Among Directors: The Silence of the Lambs
. QUINN May I see your credentials? Clarice is surprised, but fishes her ID card from her bag, holds it up for his inspection. CLOSE ANGLE as she jams this tool inside the join at the top of the back passenger window, then fishes around till she can snag the in- side door latch, pulling up. CLARICE Where? BRIGHAM Some fishermen in West Virginia found an unidentified girl's body. A piece of fishing line, with multiple hooks, is still snagged around it, dangling. LAMAR Them fishhooks are set too close to- gether. CLARICE (contd.) (to Campbell) It's a Fish and Game violation
The Daily Script - Hudson Hawk
. OUTSIDE THE POWER ROOM Security Guard One fishes for keys to open the power room. HAWK "Or would you rather be a fish?" He pulls out the black canvas bag from his Glad bag and takes out the blueprints. HAWK (lyric trouble) "A fish is annuh nan na nan na brook
Mutant Reviewers From Hell: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
. By the time we've reached The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe, the best thing to come from this movie is the Monty Python-worthy ditty, "So Long And Thanks For All The Fish". So catchy, I'm still singing it a day later! When Captain Picard is away, the unruly ensigns will play Kinky! Also, gross! Wish You Were Here Didja Notice? [some sources: IMDb] Use of the original title music from the TV and radio shows in the opening made me smile. This formed the Hitchhiker's Trilogy, which then expanded to include the fourth and fifth books, So Long and Thanks for all the Fish (1984), and Mostly Harmless (1992)
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