WallStreet Italia - Di seguito, gli indici dei titoli guida delle principali borse europee: - Londra -0,02% - Parigi +0,34% - Francoforte +0,28% - Madrid +0,40% - Milano -0,04% - Amsterdam +0,64 ...
Abn, SNS critica strategia, non si esprime su ipotesi spin off
Reuters Italia - AMSTERDAM, 7 marzo (Reuters) - La banca olandese SNS (SR.AS: Quotazione , Profilo ), che tramite la divisione di asset management detiene lo 0,23% di Abn Amro (AAH.AS: Quotazione , Profilo ), č ...
P. Berlusconi: Mediaset guarda Endemol, De Mol possibile alleato
Reuters Italia - AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Mediaset guarda alla societą di produzioni televisive Endemol. Lo ha detto il vicepresidente Pier Silvio Berlusconi in una intervista al quotidiano olandese Het Financieele ...
Borsa: Milano avvio positivo
La Stampa - Bene Francoforte (+0, 14%), Parigi (+0, 22%), Amsterdam (+0, 35%) e anche Madrid (+0, 41%). In controtendenza la borsa di Londra che cede lo 0,31% dopo i primi scambi....
Abn Amro: Sns Asset Management si schiera con Tci (DJ) 
Italia Oggi - AMSTERDAM (MF-DJ)--Sns Asset Management, che controlla lo 0,3% di Abn Amro, si schiera al fianco del fondo Tci per avvalorare le critiche alla strategia del management della banca olandese. Solo poche ...
France-Klm: Ue pensa a multa per cartello su carburante 
Italia Oggi - AMSTERDAM (MF-DJ)--La Commissione Ue potrebbe decidere di multare la divisione merci di France-Klm. E' quanto scrive oggi il quotidiano olandese De Telegraaf citando alcune fonti. Secondo il ...
Uk: Blackstone rileva i musei Tussauds
WallStreet Italia - I musei delle cere di Londra, New York, Las Vegas, Amsterdam e Hong Kong, detenuti da Madame Tussaud, confluiranno nel gruppo Merlin Entertainments di Blackstone, che gią controlla Gardaland ...
BORSA: SULLA SCIA DELLE ASIATICHE, POSITIVE LE EUROPEE - Londra +0,34% - Parigi +0,32% - Francoforte +0,63% - Madrid +0,51% - Milano +0,64% - Amsterdam ...
Com'č strano farsi un suolo a Miano - Doveva essere come lo stadio di Neuchatel, come l'Arena di Amsterdam, come l'uovo di Colombo. Progetti depositati alla Federcalcio e all'Uefa. Uno stadio di massima sicurezza....
Anche il museo di Madame Tussauds nell'orbita di Blackstone - Negli anni inoltre sono cresciute anche le "filiali" di Madame Tussauds, grazie a nuove aperture a New York, Las Vegas, Amsterdam e Hong Kong. Tra 2007 e 2008 sono programmati nuove esposizioni a ...
Heirs donate one, sell four returned works to Dutch (The Columbus Dispatch)
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - The U.S. heirs to a major collection of art looted by the Nazis have sold four paintings back to the Dutch government for $4 million donated a fifth work....
Heirs of looted art make gift of favorite (Albany Times Union)
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands -- The U.S. heirs to a major collection of art looted by the Nazis finally returned after years of legal wrangling have sold four paintings back to the Dutch government for $4 million donated a fifth work....
RECENT ITEMS» (Filter Magazine)
Peter Bjorn of Swedish trio Peter Bjorn John recently visited the AOL studios in New York City to perform an acoustic session for The Interface . The set included acoustic versions of "Let's Call It Off", "SONG", "Amsterdam", "Young Folks" all of which appear on the new album Writer's Block . The album was released in the U.S. earlier this year Almost Gold Recordings has been ...
Judge denies re-sentencing Brett Ownbey for murder (The Eureka Reporter)
A judge denied Monday a petition to re-sentence a man convicted in January 2004 of the 1999 murder of 47-year-old Lawrence "Larry" Amsterdam....
Saab Signs Corporate Wide Software License AdaCore (Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance)
NEW YORK & AMSTERDAM, Netherlands----Saab, one of the world's leading high-technology companies, today signed a corporate wide licensing agreement AdaCore. Saab will adopt AdaCore's GNAT Pro development environment for projects across the organisation will standardise on GNAT Pro....
AdaCore Announces First to Market Full Ada 2005 Development Environment (Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance)
NEW YORK & AMSTERDAM, Netherlands----AdaCore, provider of the highest quality Ada tools support, announces the first to market Ada 2005 language development environment, the release of GNAT Pro version 6.0.1....
St. Bernard Expands EMEA Operations Office in the Netherlands (Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance)
SAN DIEGO----St. Bernard , a global provider of security hosted office solutions for small midsized businesses , today announced the opening of a new office in Amsterdam, further expanding its global presence across EMEA....
Adidas Explores New Possibilities in Campaign (BrandWeek)
NEW YORK -- Adidas has launched a global TV campaign focused on sports figures who discuss how they overcame adversity in their lives. The work, which began airing Monday, is from Omnicom Group's 180 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands; it continues the "Impossible is nothing" tagline, first used in 2004....
Broad Run's Yim Wins Medal (Leesburg Today)
Broad Run High School senior Matthew Yim represented the U.S.A. at the U.S. Open Tae Kwon-do Championships in February won a silver medal in the Bantamweight Division. He is headed to the Dutch Open Championships March 21 in Amsterdam the U.S. National Team....
Dutch Propose Criminalizing Attending Terror Camps (Nasdaq)
AMSTERDAM (AP)--The Dutch government said Tuesday it plans to adopt a law making it a crime to attend a 'terrorist camp' to learn skills that could be used to carry an out an attack, regardless of whether the camp is located in the Netherlands or abroad....

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