Yahoo! Messenger
È arrivata la nuova versione di Yahoo! Messenger (versione 8.1) Scopri le novità del Messenger più innovativo del web; Chiama gratis da PC a PC * - chiama telefoni fissi e cellulari a tariffe ...
News! - Yahoo: Mail e Messanger vanno a braccetto - Mr. WebMaster
notizie tecnologiche dal web Scopri Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 In collaborazione con Microsoft aperta la nuova sezione Visual ...
Yahoo! Web Messenger
Yahoo!??????? - ???????????? ...
Yahoo! Japan ???????? Windows??WindowsCE??Macintosh??JAVA??????????...
Skin Yahoo Messanger
Skin Yahoo Messanger SKIN Yahoo .:: INDEX Pagina 1/1 Utilizzare il tasto destro del Per installarli dovete scompattarli ...
Yahoo! Messenger
Chegou o novo Yahoo! Messenger (versão 8.1) O melhor programa de mensagens instantâneas que existe; Chamadas para outros computadores * de graça; Fale com amigos do Windows LiveT Messenger ...
msm messanger
6 1. 4. messanger. 5. messanger. 6. msm messanger. 7. msm messanger. 8. Yahoo! Answers - yahoo 4. msm messanger problemi [Archivio] - Forum Macitynet...
Yahoo! Asia
India, Pakistan sign nuke deal in defiance ? Thaksin aide quits as Thai economic ? Blair announces major withdrawal of ? Cheney vows no retreat in Iraq, backs....
Yahoo Messenger in Mail Google AJAX News Bar (WebProNews)
Yahoo has started integrating Yahoo Messenger into Yahoo Mail , just like Google did Gmail over a year ago . Because of Yahoo's cool tabbed IM interface, the IM window is full size, supersized even, making for lots of room for avatars, rich text editing controls, timestamps. I'm not sure how integrated it is in Yahoo Mail how it compares to Gmail Chat, but it's interesting to ...
Unyte(TM) Lyte Brings Desktop Sharing To a New Level for Millions of Yahoo! Messenger Users (Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance)
BILLERICA, Mass.----WebDialogs has announced a new plug-in under the Unyte brand that enables Yahoo! Messenger's instant messaging users to share their desktops virtually....
Launch of, a Revolutionary Way of Meeting New People (, is a revolutionary way of meeting new people., the only application on the web which allows the of instant messenger (IM) addresses based on user profile, interest location. The site caters to individuals who want to meet new people to chat over existing IM networks (AOL, MSN, Yahoo, Google). [ - February 24, 2007]...
How to Increase Diggs Via Email & Instant Messenger (Search Engine Journal)
Neil Patel has a short simple post today over at Pronet Advertising the message against "Spamming Digg through Instant Messenger." Neil's theory is that if you IM 20 of your friends pointing them to the page on Digg your story on it, asking them to Digg it, Digg should be able to flag [ ]...
YouTube, Facebook Spark Copycats, Bubble Fear in Silicon Valley (
Feb. 23 (Bloomberg) -- A murmur of recognition ripples through the standing-room-only crowd at San Francisco's Commonwealth of California as Zuckerberg steps on stage....
Instant messaging used to spread scams ( via Yahoo! Finance)
Criminals can use IM to spread malware, malicious software, to steal information or get someone to give them information....
Smartphone Software suits Windows Mobile powered devices. (ThomasNet)
Available from corporate e-mail server such as Server 2007, Web-based accounts, or other service providers, Windows Mobile® v6 enables users to view e-mails in their original rich HTML format live links to Web SharePoint® sites. Users can view, navigate, edit Word documents Excel spreadsheets in their original format without affecting tables, images or text. Product can ...
IM Emerging as a Disruptive Force for Telecom Voice Services, New Report Finds (SYS-CON Media)
a development that will have significant ramifications for providers of conventional voice services, according to a major new report from Heavy Reading (, the market research division of CMP Technology's Light Reading (
Apple's Jobs Can Sell iPhones This Year After Deal Cisco (
Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Apple Inc. Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs can start selling the iPhone in June as planned after agreeing to share the name Cisco Systems Inc. averting a possible court case....
IM Watch: AIM Users Get a Bumpy Ride Vista (Instant Messaging Planet)
Clients & Platforms As consumers began installing Microsoft Windows Vista, AOL's AIM message boards starting filling with messages from users who were unable to get their AIM to log in correctly due to server errors....

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