Il manifesto degli autori del cinema italiano è un atto di amore
Articolo21 - Smith, Shall we dance?, The Aviator, Million Dollar Baby, Dalia, Babel, Bobby. Grazie a questa politica editoriale e distributiva i film italiani del nostro listino hanno cominciato ad uscire ...
Shall we dance?
La Repubblica - John Clark è un avvocato di Chicago consapevole che la sua vita è quasi perfetta. la bella moglie, ha ottenuto successo nel lavoro e ha due figli meravigliosi. Eppure .. la giornata lavorativa ...
Festival celebrates history, future (Morganton News Herald)
"Chakaba" shows off his stilt walking skills Saturday afternoon at the History Festival. Chakaba works the Zulu Connection was one of two stilt walkers to dance to the sounds of tribal African music....
Hunt: Marquette must answer tough questions (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
South Bend, Ind - It's to go to the Joyce Center without thinking of Al McGuire Digger Phelps, of Maurice Lucas Bill Laimbeer, the agreeably less genial days when the fiercely independent types would compromise each other's skeletal systems for a lo ...
Shall we dance? (Daily Princetonian)
( Expand ) The Princeton Ballroom Dance demonstrated the basics of various dance routines yesterday in Dillon Gymnasium. Team members gave special performances to encourage new membership....
history performance builds self-esteem (Columbian Missourian)
teaches about music. history month usually involves frequent mention of Martin Luther King Jr. or solemnly sung renditions of "We Shall Overcome."...
Two ABC7 reporters to appear in Second Annual ''Dancing Chicago's Celebrities'' (ABC 7 Chicago)
ABC7 reporters join the Second Annual "Dancing Chicago's Celebrities" to benefit the Susan G. Komen Cancer Foundation....
What kind of Christian am I? (Austin American-Statesman)
I confess: I am a "Lord, I believe - help my unbelief" person. When the Rev. Roger Paynter, the senior pastor at the First Baptist of Austin, asked me if I would consider being a deacon, I repeated that description, added, "You know, I'm not very pious."...
16 properties for sale on Route 1 (Wiscasset Newspaper)
Anyone following the estate market over the last decade will realize that the glory days are temporarily on hold sales are down. If you doubt the change want something to do to combat cabin fever, ride down Route 1 in Wiscasset count the "For Sale" signs....
'Venus' orbits around O'Toole's magnificence (Fort Wayne Journal Gazette)
Behold "Venus," a meditation on longing desire; youth beauty; death death. In what feels like his valedictory, Peter O'Toole, that still mellifluous but physically ravaged Lion in Winter, gives a tour de force that summons the glorious ghosts of performances past....
Tops tots (Colorado Springs Gazette)
DOODLEBOPS! WIGGLES! WIGGLES! DOODLEBOPS! Theres a yellow one. a pink one. One who invents things someone who always asleep. The rock band Doodlebops their bus from Playhouse Disney, Bob the Bus Driver, are at the World Arena today. The singing, dancing Wiggles, also on Playhouse Disney, will drive their Red Car into Denvers Magness Arena on March 3. Which childrens ...
Great Company, Lousy Investment (The Motley Fool)
Don't invest if the price isn't right. ...

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