Newsic - venute su a pane e elettro, con onestà e intelligenza ci ricorda come si possa fare musica dance Guru in onda in tutta Europa da marzo e hanno preparato un remix della reginetta della disco music ...
''La memoria degli altri''
Articolo21 - Revel e Luisa Signorelli (1993), A Coreographic Offering coreografia di Nina Watt (Jose Limon Dance Lavora intensamente nel campo della world music come compositore ed esecutore....
Yoko Ono - Yes, I'm a witch
Excite Italia - in una deliziosa ballata acustica, "Walking on thin ice" (del 1981) che Jason Pierce degli Spiritualize riesce a convertire in uno psichedelico inno noise (trascurando l'andamento dance dell ...
Carnevale, a Pagliare una settimana di musica e festa
Sambenedetto Oggi - Venerdì 16 dalle 19:30 (ingresso libero a tutte le associazioni) passi di liscio, dance '70 '80 '90 con Melissa Dj e gara di limbo. Sabato 17 dalle 21:30 Carnevale brasiliano, con l'animazione delle ...
Turandot (Casolla, Colombara, Larin, Frittoli, dir. Zubin Mehta) / Bmg ...
La Repubblica - In salsa acid-jazz sono Don't you worry 'bout a thing e You've got a friend con Incognito e Brand New Heavies mentre in versione dance Agua de março e The from Ipanema con Smoke City e ...
L'Estasi di un disco davvero imperdibile
La Repubblica - Beaucoup Fish / Jbo Esageriamo. Se è vero che alla fin fine la chiave è sempre nel ritmo, bisogna guardare con molta attenzione ai gruppi dance, soprattutto se si chiamano Underworld. Nessuno ci ...
Latin spectrum / BBE
La Repubblica - I compilatori della collana "Spectrum" hanno un solo scopo nella vita: ricucire per nostro conto lo strappo tra la musica dance di oggi e quella di ieri, partendo dal presupposto che nulla si butta e ...
LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
Excite Italia - il dito era puntato sul fatto che James Murphy stesse cominciando ad amare un po' troppo la dance aver ispirato anche il secondo pezzo ( Time to Get Away ) che è figliastra di " Fear of music ...
Backstreet Boys
MTV Italy - Boys, quintetto di i bianchi middle-class che con una formula fatta di falsetti, r&b e dance ENTRA NEL FORUM MUSIC ...
TU Dance blends live music, powerful human movement (Pioneer Press)
TU Dance's concert of live music dance sings the body electric, to paraphrase poet Walt Whitman, who would have been yodeling blankverse in the aisles after this ravishing performance....
Three Rivers Community to host comedy, dance music tonight (Norwich Bulletin)
NORWICH - A night of acoustic music, comedy dance will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. today in the gallery. Tickets are $2 for students, $3 for nonstudents. Walk-in performers are welcome get in free. The is located at 7 Mahan Drive....
'Scissorhands' works as dance theater (The Star-Ledger)
"Edward Scissorhands," the new dance theater piece that was a hit in London is now touring America, is not, repeat, not a replica of Tim Burton's 1990 movie, emphasizes creator Matthew Bourne. the show, which runs March 14-31 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, is not, repeat, not, a ballet....
GOTTA DANCE -- FOR FUN HEALTH (Orlando Sentinel)
Evelyn Chester (below), 76, leads a beginning tap class Thursday at Casselberry Senior Center. The hourlong class draws 15 to 20 students. 'It is great exercise, many health benefits,' she said. 'Moving to music is so much more exciting than an exercise class, they learn how to dance. I just it -- it is wonderful.' Lucie Hinson (left), 82, dons shoes for the advanced class. She ...
Vietnam, flamenco spice dance melting pot (Chicago Sun-Times)
There was a great deal of cultural cross-pollination on the Chicago dance front this weekend. Arriving first, at the Dance Center of Columbia College, was the Together Higher Dance Troupe of Hanoi, Vietnam....
Bridging the great Balkan divides music (International Herald Tribune)
Balkanika Music Television is using a uniquely post-Communist blend of music styles from southeastern Europe to try to forge a sort of cultural unity a common music market....
Culture brought to life in dance (Penn State Collegian)
A flashing strobe light illuminated dancers swinging their arms in beat to traditional Bhangra music Saturday night....
history celebrated in song, dance, speech (Montgomery Advertiser)
Montgomery's Floyd Elementary School chorus performs Sunday at the second annual History Celebration at Alabama Town. The program also featured performances by the Alabama State University Dance Troupe the Sidney Lanier High School concert band....
L.I. country music association to hold dance on March 3 (Babylon Beacon)
Long Island Country Music Association will be holding a dance, Saturday, March 3 at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 400 South Broadway, Lindenhurst, 8 p.m. to midnight. The doors open 7:30 p.m. This is a '50s '60s theme dance. Special guests include the Back in Time Cruisers Long Island Car and the band Roadhouse will perform. The instructor is Donna Eidinger....
Visitors introduce Korean dance to University (Oregon Daily Emerald)
Students from Seoul, South Korea's Hanyang University KUM Dance Company brought traditional Korean culture to the Beall Concert Hall Thursday afternoon in a series of lectures an interactive workshop about cultural characteristics presented through dance....

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