Artisti Vari
Rockol - ricordare questo evento l'Associazione Piero Ciampi, in collaborazione con diversi enti, ha deciso di dare alle stampe "Con tutte le carte in regola - Omaggio a Piero Ciampi", una compilation ...
Da Madonna di Campiglio a Roma
Il Corriere della Sera - Per chi proprio fosse a dieta, c'è il terzo volume della compilation Pasquini Café. Viale Dolomiti di Brenta 13, tel. 0465.44.07.10,
Yoko Ono - Yes, I'm a witch
Excite Italia - La prova è tutta udibile nei vecchi dischi e, in parte, anche in questa compilation che prova a rinnovarne il repertorio. P urtroppo, mi tocca ammetterlo e al contempo mettervi in guardia, l ...
Yorke subito primo
Newsic - ci sono Thom Yorke con "The Eraser" (classifica album), gli Zero Assoluto con "Sei parte di me" (classifica singoli), i Negramaro (classifica DVD) e Hit Mania Estate 2006 (classifica compilation)...
Amata immortale
La Repubblica - Senza contare stereotipi, manomissioni storiche, grossolane scene-madri, scontata compilation beethoveniana (con Sir George Solti che dirige la London Symphony Orchestra), perché presentare Ludwig ...
Cruise-Holmes, un 'Sì' con i fuochi d'artificio, ma delusione per i ...
La Repubblica - Per le nozze Scientology il tenore Andrea Bocelli non ha cantato l'Ave Maria di Shubert per rispetto alla religione cattolica, ma ha donato ai due sposi un cofanetto d'oro con una compilation ...
Fahrenheit 9/11 diventa una compilation
La Repubblica - "Fahrenheit 9/11", il titolo del film documentario di Michael Moore vincitore della Palma d'oro a Cannes, diventa una compilation musicale in due cd, che uscirà in America a ottobre. Il primo disco ...
Auditorium, 'Viaggio nel cinema americano' prosegue con Lynch
La Repubblica - Anteprime, conversazioni a tutto campo, compilation delle migliori scene di grandi autori e attori. Venerdì 13 gennaio, sarà la volta di David Lynch. Oltre a rispondere alle domande degli ...
Rockol - E' esattememte quello che capita con questo "Rhythms del mundo", una compilation che fonde gli i mentori e gli eredi del Buena Vista Social e della musica cubana con il rock anglossasone....
Elisa compilation su cellulare
Newsic - Gli acquirenti del Motorola MOTORAZR V3i special edition troveranno una Memory Card con 17 brani Gli acquirenti del nuovo Motorola MOTORAZR V3i nella versione Gray troveranno all'interno ...
Police Reports (The Celina Record)
Celina Police Report Summary for Feb. 12-19. This is a compilation by staff writer Matthew Price of the more interesting calls for service from information provided by the Celina Police Department. It is not a complete listing of all the calls made by Celina Police officers....
Salvador Santana's New Take on the Santana Gem 'Evil Ways' Opens the CD A Song For My Father, Featuring Young Artists ... (PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance)
Salvador Santana's fresh spin on the classic Santana hit "Evil Ways" is the album-opening track on the disc A Song For My Father, a compilation of acclaimed young music artists recreating timeless tunes originally made famous by their legendary musical fathers....
Housing Remains Steady Amid the Gloom (BusinessWeek Online via Yahoo! News)
A recent run of bad news from homebuilders -- such a downbeat outlook on sales earnings from Toll Brothers on Feb. 22 -- the troubles of subprime mortgage lenders have sown fresh concerns about the health of the housing sector. But what are recent data reports from the sector really telling us?...
Oscar Oracle (USA Today)
USA TODAY's Oscar Oracle matched four of the top six Academy Awards winners Sunday night but missed The Departed for best picture Alan Arkin for best supporting actor....
Music Review: Pat Metheny The Heath Brothers - The Move To The Groove Session (
Pat Metheny The Heath Brothers' disc The Move To The Groove Session is a slightly disappointing release, not because of weak material or poor performances, but because the disc as a whole is uneven. Metheny's guitar is a bit subdued in some places, but the solos are nice, the Heath Brothers are terrific always enjoyable. But the disc as a whole seems like a bit of a compilation, ...
Alila els Resorts Equinox DMD to Release Indonesian Independent Music Compilation through the iTunes Store (PR Web)
This Friday, 23 February 2007, Alila els Resorts Equinox Digital Music Distribution will release the Alila Independent Selection Vol. 1 - a diverse sampler of some of Indonesia's finest independent music. Featured at the launch at Alila Ubud, Bali will be Made J - widely regarded as Bali's finest blues guitarist singer. This compilation features 11 tracks from 10 artists will ...
Devendra Banhart Golden Apples of the Sun [compilation] (Pitchfork)
About 10 years ago, I put a copy of Morton Subotnick's Silver Apples of the Moon on hold at a used store in New Jersey. I've avoided picking it mostly because I like the idea of it still being nestled away somewhere, forgotten by everyone....
Getting blindsided by NovaStar (Market Watch)
SAN DIEGO (MarketWatch) -- One important lesson from the more than 50% three-day decline this past week in the shares of NovaStar Financial Inc., a subprime mortgage lender, should be that risk is not a four-letter word. ...
Steve Rosenbaum: Skirmishes on the Web 2.0 Media Battlefield (HuffingtonPost)
Media enterprises large small are struggling to sort out how the future will look. The overarching question, what will existing media companies have when the formation to web 2.0 is complete. It's far to early to make anything other than wild guesses, but a handful of things happened in the past week that are worth noting exploring. First, Viacom after months of ...
'Departed' best picture; Mirren, Whitaker top actors (Rochester Democrat Chronicle)
Director Martin Scorsese's long, struggle for Oscar glory finally bore fruit Sunday night, as the highly regarded veteran finally won big....

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