Usa: +0,1% vendite dettaglio febbraio -2- 
Milano Finanza - Profitable home business. Start your own home business in the next 24 hours. E-commerce professionale per il tuo business A EUR99 più IVA annue e nessun costo di setup. Hosting ...
CommStrategy - e-Shopping: uno su dieci paga online
Soldi Online - Gli italiani che nel quarto trimestre 2006 utilizzano i servizi di pagamento online dei principali gateway bancari sono 1,350 milioni, a quasi il 10% degli utenti dei siti di e-commerce....
OSK naikkan unjuran pendapatan korporat
Berita Harian - Sebagai contoh, Bumiputra Commerce Holdings Bhd (BCHB) dan Public Bank Bhd yang masing-masing mendapat manfaat besar daripada operasi perbankan luar negara....
informazione dall'iraq occupato
Uruk Net - A major Iranian bank will begin operations in war-torn Iraq within the next few days, the head of the Iran-Iraq Joint Chamber of Commerce said. Hassan Tiz-Maghz said during a high-profile meeting of ...
Corsi di Lingua Giuridica: Inglese, Francese, Tedesco, Spagnolo
Altalex - Just Legal Services e The British Chamber of Commerce for Italy hanno istituito, nell'ambito del programma di esami International English Professional Certificate (IPEC) promosso dal Council of ...
invia per e-mail
Articolo21 - Lei ha scavato a fondo nello scandalo della Bank of Credit Commerce International (BCCI) e della filiale della Bnl ad Atlanta, in Georgia, e le loro connessioni con la fornitura da parte di ...
Per un corretta visualizzazione del sito consulta la pagina dei ...
Kataweb - Per quanto riguarda il comparto dell'e-commerce, stando ai dati dell'osservatorio, il 70% degli acquisti online è effettuato con carta di credito e il restante 30% è suddiviso equamente tra il ...
Il mercato della pubblicità online verso il consolidamento
Il Sole 24 Ore - Nel nostro paese, a parte turismo, tutti gli altri settori che possono vantare le prime posizioni nelle classifiche di e-commerce, dal libri all'elettronica di consumo, dalla finanza alla musica ...
I viaggiatori di domani
Zeus News - alla probabile tipologia del viaggio, quali biglietti per i mezzi di superficie all'arrivo, prenotazioni per concerti, spettacoli culturali e visita dei musei, eventi sportivi, shopping in m-commerce ...
Il boom delle aste online: quel paradiso chiamato eBay
Il Sole 24 Ore - guadagno condiviso si è così moltiplicato con le risorse finanziarie generate, secondo i classici canoni della concentrazione sul marchio più forte, quasi un asso pigliatutto dell'e-commerce....
China's Commerce Minister Discusses Trade Surplus, Critical of U.S. Proposed Tariff (SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance)
Bo Xilai, China's Commerce Minister, said his ministry is in charge of cutting the nation's large trade surplus, but he didn't provide any new details or plans. Bo however, was critical of a possible U.S. 27.5% tariff on goods imported from China....
China Commerce Min: To Adjust Export Policy To Cut Trade Gap (Nasdaq)
BEIJING -(Dow Jones)- China's Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai said Tuesday the government will adjust export policy to narrow the country's burgeoning trade surplus, which he said is high....
Pickerington Area Chamber of Commerce State of Pickerington Luncheon (Lancaster Eagle-Gazette)
The Pickerington Area Chamber of Commerce is hosting the annual State of Pickerington luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, March 15 at the Pickerington Senior Citizen Center, 150 Hereford Dr., Pickerington....
Commerce Secretary Gutierrez Announces Bush Administration Bill to Boost Offshore Aquaculture (Kansas City InfoZine)
Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez unveiled proposed federal legislation to promote safe sustainable aquaculture in order to meet the growing demand for seafood, help the U.S. industry better compete reduce the need for U.S. imports....
Growth to continue for Commerce Bank (The News Journal)
Commerce Bank will keep dotting Delaware's landscape so-called "retail stores" that "happen to be a bank," Commerce Bancorp.'s founder CEO told a of businesspeople in Wilmington on Monday evening....
A&M-Commerce Lions shock top seed in tourney (Greenville Herald-Banner)
ST. JOSEPH, Mo. - Junior Katedria Mosley hit a layup less than a second left to the Texas A&M University-Commerce Lions to a 73-72 win over Missouri Western State University in an NCAA Division II South Central Regional semifinal thriller on Saturday night....
A&M-Commerce advance to Elite Eight (Greenville Herald-Banner)
ST. JOSEPH, Mo. - Texas A&M University-Commerce held off Washburn's second-half comeback to earn its first trip to the NCAA Division II women's Elite Eight a 71-70 victory in the South Central Region basketball finals on Monday night....
Key Chamber of Commerce Recommendations (Washington Post)
-- The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has been campaigning against what it views as excessive financial regulation hurting U.S. markets' competitiveness, is issuing a report this week by its Commission on the Regulation of U.S. Capital Markets in the 21st Century. ...
Sterling Commerce Benchmarks Best-in-Class Performance for Order Management Processing on Sun Microsystems Technology (Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance)
COLUMBUS, Ohio----Sterling Commerce, a subsidiary of AT&T Inc. , announced today the results of high-volume benchmarks conducted for a large, global retailer that set new standards in order management processing performance....
Sports Authority Extends Long-Term E-Commerce Partnership GSI Commerce (PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance)
The Sports Authority Inc., one of the largest, national full-line sporting goods chains, GSI Commerce Inc. , a leading provider of e-commerce solutions, today announced a 10-year extension to their existing long-term e- commerce agreement....

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