Hits by Location

My note sourceNotes% of all notes Hits% of all hits Hit ratio
Italy Fabriano81771,7
Italy Portonovo14112,4
00,0 N/A
Italy Lecce504,4
00,0 N/A
Italy Lequile383,3
00,0 N/A
Italy San pietro in lama201,8
00,0 N/A
Belgium Bruxelles100,9
00,0 N/A
Italy Porto cesareo80,7
00,0 N/A
Italy Perugia80,7
00,0 N/A
Italy Copertino60,5
00,0 N/A
Italy Genga60,5
00,0 N/A
Spain Tenerife60,5
00,0 N/A
Italy San cesario di lecce50,4
00,0 N/A
Italy Falconara Marittima30,3
00,0 N/A
Italy Angeli30,3
00,0 N/A
Italy Cingoli30,3
00,0 N/A
Italy Rimini30,3
00,0 N/A
Italy Macerata30,3
00,0 N/A
Czech Republic Praga20,2 00,0 N/A
Italy Pescara20,2 00,0 N/A
Italy Roma10,1 00,0 N/A
Italy San Pietro in Lama10,1 00,0 N/A
Italy Marotta10,1 00,0 N/A
Italy Matelica10,1 00,0 N/A
Italy Andria10,1 00,0 N/A
Italy Cerreto d'Esi10,1 00,0 N/A

Frequent Locations (Hit Partners')
PlaceN% of all hits

(Altogether hit partners in 1 different places.)

Frequent Directions

Local Hits

Both ways hits by location
Regioni d'Italia / Regioni of Italy (2/20) (1/20) (1/20)
#NameHit partners% of all hitsHit notes% of hits
 1 Italy Marche 00,01100,0
 2 Italy Toscana 1100,000,0

Province d'Italia / Provinces of Italy (2/110) (1/110) (1/110)
#NameHit partners% of all hitsHit notes% of hits
Marche (1/5)
 1 Italy Ancona 00,01100,0
Toscana (1/10)
 2 Italy Firenze 1100,000,0

Codici postali d'Italia / Postal codes of Italy (2/92) (1/92) (1/92)
#NameHit partners% of all hitsHit notes% of hits
50xxx-59xxx (1/10)
 1 Italy 50xxx 1100,000,0
60xxx-67xxx (1/8)
 2 Italy 60xxx 00,01100,0

Città italiane divise in zone postali / Italian cities with more postal codes (1/565) (1/565) (0/565)
#NameHit partners% of all hitsHit notes% of hits
Firenze (501xx) (1/21)
 1 Italy 50137 1100,000,0

Generated 2009-01-03 18.56.36 (by NIG version 1.71)