European Championships of Rhythmic Gymnastics in Budapest 1999 - Photo Gallery of Almudena Cid Tostado

Photos are © Karol Otero & APS Editores

Almudena Cid Tostado Almudena Cid Tostado

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Credits: this photos have been taken from a CD rom sold by APS Editores and ALL photos are copyrighted Karol Otero. I emailed APS Editores ask for the permission to publish the photos and they told me to ask the photographer. I tried to contact her to but she never answered to my letter. So, I hope this publication won't be a problem. If it is, I will remove the photos immediately. Remember, this is a NON-PROFIT page. I like to publish pictures only because I love RSG. Anyway, if anybody wants to use this pictures, he is NOT allowed to cut the photographer's copyright from the photo.If you want to do it, ask to the photographer, hope you will receive a reply. Here are some infos:
Email of APS Editores:
Address of the photographer: Karol Otero, Vilamari 57, 08015 Barcelona, Espana, Fax 93 423 84 17

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