Cuba, woman survives attack by shark

CUBA - 1-2-2001 - A woman , Mrs. Hamalainen, was injured in a shark attack in shallow waters off a popular Costa Verde Beach Resort. The husband of woman, is believed to have tried to pull his wife away from the shark.

Costa Verde Beach

Perhaps in the horror of the moment and while tackling the shark, Hamalainen was not aware that two Cuban construction workers who were standing on the coral very close to where the attack took place, witnessed the attack and, fully clothed, jumped in to assist, and brought the victim to the surface.

Also, members of the beach staff rushed into the sea in a Zodiac-type watercraft and brought the injured woman to shore where she was placed on a beach chair and carried toward the hotel.
But for the timely intervention of the construction workers and the beach staff, things might have turned out very differently.

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