------------------------------------------- "WITH HIM" by Mary Louise Karen Denis (JOY) ------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: "Joya" Mary Lou Denis (Giorgia Loi) TITLE: With Him E-MAIL: please, send comments xmcarter@libero.it (Melody will gimme my mails) DISCLAIMER: Fox Mulder and Dana Scully belongs to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen and Fox TV. No copyright infringement is intend. SPOILERS: None KEYWORDS: MSR, Mulder angst, Scully angst. ARCHIVE: yes, please. THANKS: to Melody Morgan Carter and to my twins Diana and Nany for... for everything! "With Him" by Joy A scream. Then the silence. It was only another nightmare. She was sweating. But now she was safe in her bed. She didn't know why, but her legs wanted to move. She didn't know where, but she went. She walked and walked in her neighborhood all night long, and she wasn't weary. And she walked and walked until she could see the sun. A wonderful, great sun. It was him. Yes, it was just like him. When she saw the sun, she couldn't help thinking about him. She wanted to see him... She truly wanted him. Then she went where she surely could find her sun. She walked up to his apartment building. Number 42. She went in without knocking on the door first. "Mulder, it's me. Where are you?" Nobody. Nothing. "Mulder!" --Maybe he's asleep or having a shower-- she thought. But then she saw him. He was sitting on a chair, crying, mumbling to himself, "Scully... Scully... Why? Why...can the world be s] cruel?...Scully!" She couldn't understand what he was talking about... but she didn't like it. "Mulder, what's the matter? What's wrong?" But he didn't hear her words, and he was still crying. "Oh, my Scully... Dana... where are you? Where are you, Scully?... Oh, if... if you... why can't... Why can't you be here now?" She was frightened. "What are you saying, Mulder? I AM HERE NOW! Look at me! I'm here!" But he didn't move. And he was still crying. So, she tried to touch him but... but she couldn't! It was terrible. It was as... as if she didn't exist! "But... what?... I can't... what... what's wrong? Why Can't I... touch you? Oh... Mulder... help me!!!" But he didn't hear her words. Now he was telling... some... strange...impossible things! "Oh Scully... my partner... my friend.. my best friend... I never told you how much I love you! I've always loved you! And now... now you are...you are dead... WHY?!?!" She couldn't move nor speak. She felt paralyzed. --Dead? Dead? Dead?-- She could only hear this word in her mind. She was with him for days, weeks, months. One day - she understood. Yes, she understood what she had to do. So she told him: "I love you too, Fox." Then she screamed. A scream. Then the silence. It was only another nightmare. She was sweating, but she was safe in her bed. With him. THE END * From "Tell Him", song by Celine Dion (one of my favorite singers) and Barbara Streisand. Archived by "The City of Stars" by Melody Morgan Carter Feedback means everything to an author. (Nicole Van Dam) Feedback makes the world go round. (Nicole Perry) Feedback makes the world a better place for you and me. (Krikkit) FEEDBACK!!!!!! Please please pleaseeeeee!!!!!!! SCRIVETEMI!!!! E-Mail me, please!!!!!!!! Flames *constructive* are welcome. xmcarter@libero.it xduchess@freemail.it melodycarter@tiscalinet.it --,--'--,(@ Melody's published fanfics: "I Will Change For You" (Italiano & English) "Broken Circle at the Sunset of a Sun That Lights Someone Else" (Italiano & English) "Quasar - Quasi Stellare" (Italiano) "Qwerty Uiop - L'Alternativa" (Italiano) "Un Mitico Provino" (Italiano) "Better Best Forgotten" (Italiano) "That Thing (Better Best Forgotten 2)" (Italiano) "In gIrum imus noCtE et coNsumImur iGnI" (Italiano) "In Alto i Cuori" (Italiano) "James Axel Fadro" (Italiano) "Don't Fight That Future" (English) "No Name: Pretend No Name" (English) ...e presto molte altre! ...and soon a lot more! Joy's published fanfics: "With Him" (Italiano & English) "In Your Head" (English) Holly's published fanfics: "I've Quit" (English) Melody's & Holly's fanfics: "Diamo i Numeri! (Shut Up)" (English) "The End of 'The End'" (English) --,--'--,(@ Visit Melody's home page (and sign the guestbook ;) ) : "La Cittą delle Stelle" - http://digilander.iol.it/xbellatrix/ --,--'--,(@