Litfiba - Santiago
E spera e spera, un uomo arriverà
L' immagino in strada, nei cortei, fra noi
Aver paura, piangere
Cercare i figli morti per lui
E l' uomo in bianco scese dal cielo
Ma era al di la`delle barricate
E l' uomo in bianco vide la morte
Ma era di la`delle barricate
Santiago del Cile
Padre, tuo figlio dov' e`?
Santiago del Cile
Io no lo vedo piu`
Natale di sangue
No, non lo scordero`
E spera e spera, il Papa arriverà
L' immagino in strada, nei cortei, fra noi
Gridare forte, combattere
Sacrificarsi per chi crede in lui
E l' uomo in bianco scese dal cielo
Ma era al di là delle barricate
E l' uomo in bianco vide la muerte
Ma era al di là delle barricate
E dittature e religione
Fanno l' orgia sul balcone
E dittatura e religione fanno l' orgia
Santiago del Cile
Padre, tuo figlio dov' e`?
Santiago del Cile
Io no lo vedo piu`
Natale di sangue
No, non lo scordero`
Vangelo, pistola
Dimmi la pace qual' è?

And hope and hope, a man will come
I can imagine him in the street, in the parades, among us
Afraid, crying
Find the children who died for him
And the man in white descended form the sky
But he was on the other side of the barricades
And the man in white saw the death
But he was on the other side of the barricades
Santiago del Chile
Father, where is your son?
Santiago del Chile
I can no longer see him
Bloody Christmas
No, I won't forget it
And hope and hope, The Pope will arrive
I can picture him in the street, in the parades, among us
Yelling loud, fighting
Sacrificing himself for those who believe in him
And the man in white descended from the sky
But he was on the other side of the barricades
And the man in white saw the death
But he was on the other side of the barricades
And dictatorships and religions
Have an orgy on the balcony
And dictatorship and religion have an orgy
Santiago del Chile
Father, where is your son?
Santiago del Chile
I can't see him anymore
Bloody Christmas
No, I won't forget it
Gospel, gun
tell me which is peace?