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- sito di intrattenimento, news e curiosità -

Questo sito non riflette i pensieri e le opinioni degli autori, degli amici degli autori e nemmeno del cane Maya.

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Quanto detto sopra è una burla.

This site does not reflect the thoughts or opinions of the authors, our friends and Maya the dog; don't quote us on that; don't quote us on anything; all rights reserved; you may distribute this address freely but you may not make a profit from it; terms are subject to change without notice; illustrations are slightly enlarged to show detail; any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is unintentional and purely coincidental; do not remove this disclaimer under penalty of law; hand wash only, tumble dry on low heat; do not bend, fold, mutilate, or spindle; your mileage may vary; no substitutions allowed; for a limited time only; this message is void where prohibited, taxed, or otherwise restricted; caveat emptor; page is provided "as is" without any warranties; reader assumes full responsibility; an equal opportunity message; no shoes, no shirt, no message; quantities are limited while supplies last; if any defects are discovered, do not attempt to read them yourself, but return to an authorized service center; read at your own risk;

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