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Windows Vista - Anti-Virus Security protection is recommended
"I want to be clear, most users will use some form of antivirus software, and that will be appropriate for their scenarios. In fact, Windows Security Center, a great feature in Windows Vista, specifically encourages the use of antivirus
Allchin Suggests Vista Won't Need Antivirus
"I'll give you an example: My son, seven years old, runs Windows Vista, and, honestly, he doesn't have an antivirus system on his machine. His machine is locked down with parental controls, he can't download things unless it's to the
Vista chief changes tune: use anti-virus in Vista!
This somehow morphed into people thinking I said customers shouldn’t use antivirus software with Windows Vista. When the articles and blogs started appearing, I asked the PR folks to send me a copy of the cript of the call so I
Vista needs anti-virus software afterall
Windows Vista Team Blog : Windows Vista: Defense in depth: Now, the comments have unfortunately been cited out of context implying that I said Windows Vista users shouldn’t use antivirus. I want to be clear, most users will use some
Vista, Antivirus, & Jim Allchin
Mary Jo is dead on the money about the reports regarding Jim's antivirus claim in of Windows doesn't fell that his computer needs an anti-virus solution, But Jim's not the only one that doesn't run antivirus on Vista.
Windows Vista: Antivirus Optional
Microsoft's Jim Allchin touts Vista new security features
PlayStation 3 makes debut in Japan
Windows co-president Jim Allchin has said that Windows Vista, which met its So confident, in fact, that his seven-year-old son's Vista PC lacks anti-virus software. "Honestly, he doesn't have an antivirus system on his machine.
Jim's Comments about Windows Vista and Antivirus software
When I read the interview "Allchin Suggests Vista Won't Need Antivirus" with Jim Allchin I shuddered, and then I realized he'd been taken out of context. Jim is no fool. My wife's Vista machine has no anti-virus software on it
Famous Last Words: Windows Vista Won’t Need Antivirus
My son, seven years old, runs Windows Vista, and, honestly, he doesn’t have an antivirus system on his machine. His machine is locked down with parental controls, he can’t download things unless it’s to the places that I’ve said that he
Vista chief says to use anti-virus in Vista after all
Stung by the flood of global reports that claimed Vista chief Jim Allchin said it was ok to use Vista without anti-virus, Allchin has posted a message makes his new message very, very clear: use anti-virus when using Windows Vista!

ALICE Computer | PC & Software | Windows Vista in vendita da gennaio?
Con l'antivirus online gratuito di F-Secure, il tuo pc è sempre al sicuro Amazon rivela che Windows Vista potrebbe vedere la luce a gennaio: ecco le
Windows Defender, l'antivirus di Windows Vista - Software
Windows Defender, l'antivirus di Windows Vista - Software -, tutto quello che c'è da sapere su Windows Defender, l'antivirus di Windows Vista - Software -
Hardware Upgrade - Il sito italiano sulla tecnologia - www
Tutti gli articoli di Antivirus e Sicurezza » Symantec rilascerà a breve i prodotti per Microsoft Windows Vista [02 Novembre 2006]
Windows Vista Beta 2 Antivirus Partners - SWZ - Software Zone Italia
Microsoft has been working closely with our antivirus partners to ensure that Windows Vista Beta 2 has the same antivirus protection as previous Windows
Windows Vista ™ Information Center - Symantec Corp.
Customers currently testing pre-release builds of Windows Vista may download a beta version of Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition for Vista,

Hardware Upgrade - Il sito italiano sulla tecnologia - www
Tutti gli articoli di Antivirus e Sicurezza » Symantec rilascerà a breve i prodotti per Microsoft Windows Vista [02 Novembre 2006]
Windows Vista Beta 2 Antivirus Partners - SWZ - Software Zone Italia
Microsoft has been working closely with our antivirus partners to ensure that Windows Vista Beta 2 has the same antivirus protection as previous Windows
Windows Vista ™ Information Center - Symantec Corp.
Customers currently testing pre-release builds of Windows Vista may download a beta version of Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition for Vista,
Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition for Vista - Symantec Corp.
Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition for Vista provides protection against viruses and security risks for managed and unmanaged clients running on Windows
Windowsmania - Symantec annuncia antivirus per Vista
Symantec sembra mettere da parte le polemiche e annuncia, per metà dicembre, la la disponibilità di prodotti dedicati a Windows Vista e dell'antivirus
Free Windows Vista Antivirus « RedRain 2.0
Da CA è possibile scaricare l'antivirus ez-Trust per Windows Vista con una sottoscrizione gratuita per un anno.
Allchin: Vista sicuro anche senza antivirus
La sicurezza in Windows Vista elemento chiave per Bill Gates e Jim Allchin. utilizzare al figlio di sette anni senza un software antivirus installato .
Computer Associates Product Solutions
FREE CA Anti-Virus for Windows VistaTM Beta Users. CA Anti-Virus. To receive your free one-year trial subscription to CA Anti-Virus, please complete and
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