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Search Software suits desktop and workgroup environments. ThomasNet
When used as a standalone product, exalead one:desktop(TM) v4.5 offers unified access to information located on hard drives, e-mail applications, or on the Web. When integrated with exalead one:workgroup(TM) v4.5, 2 products can be used across department to index unlimited number of documents. Optimized for multi-core and multi-processor PCs, software indexes over 300 file formats and allows
Week in videos: We got your new software right here CNET
New software--online and on the desktop--were the big stories of the week.
Using Mac’s Parallels Desktop: Simple and Easy IT Management
For the past few weeks, I've been working with Parallels Desktop for Mac OS X on my MacBook Pro, and I have to say, I'm impressed. First, note that I said "working with" instead of my usual verb for testing software, "playing with."
Software is based on Microsoft .NET technologies. ThomasNet
Built using SOA principles, Epicor Information Worker delivers ERP applications on 2007 Microsoft® Office system to provide users with access to business data. Desktop productivity solution allows synchronization of MS Office Outlook® 2007 contacts, appointments, and tasks, along with items such as customer information, sales history, inventory levels, and production schedule. Software enables
Demand for Internet Marketing Tools Drives Development of Direct-to-Desktop Technology PR Web
Direct-to-desktop technology now within reach of even the smallest online business, thanks to release of new version of Desktop Marketer software by The Internet Marketing Center (PRWeb Nov 10, 2006) Trackback URI: http://www.prweb.com/zingpr.php/SG9yci1Db3VwLUluc2UtU3F1YS1NYWduLVplcm8=
Allchin: Vista So Safe I Don't Need Anti-Virus Software TechWeb via Yahoo! News
The security in the new operating systems has improved so much that Windows co-president Jim Allchin lets his son run a PC without anti-virus software.
Mono upgrade targets Linux desktop applications Linux World Australia
Novell has announced an upgrade to its Mono software that should make it easier for developers to port .Net desktop applications to Linux. Mono is an open-source implementation of Microsoft's .Net development software.
Beeping Motherboard, Memory Test Software, LCD/Graphics Card Incompatibility, DIY Laptop? ExtremeTech
Top Tips: This week our forums tackle the issues of a motherboard that beeps on startup, online memory-testing software, an LCD/video card incompatibility, as well as reactions to our hardware and software reviews.
Mono upgrade targets Linux desktop InfoWorld
( InfoWorld ) - Novell Inc. has announced an upgrade to its Mono software that should make it easier for developers to port .Net desktop applications to Linux. Mono is an open-source implementation of Microsoft Corp.'s .Net development software. It aims to let developers take advantage of Microsoft's .Net programming tools to create applications that will run on Linux and other
The latest news & announcements about Linux on the desktop Desktop Linux
Oct. 25, 2006 — Wouldn't it be great to just get a PC with Linux already installed and ready to go?

Free Software - Desktop e Ufficio - Download :: PuntoCR
Principale > Free Software > Desktop e Ufficio. 2xExplorer Piccolo file maneger a doppia finestra e che non necessita nemmeno di installazione.
SOLO GRATIS.IT - Software - Desktop gratis
Tutto sulla telefonia, gratis: elenchi telefonici, fax, loghi operatore, suonerie, messaggi sms, pagine gialle, prefissi, tariffe telefoniche,
GNOME: The Free Software Desktop Project
GNU Object Model Environment: Building a full, user-friendly desktop for Unix operating systems, based entirely on free software.
BlackBerry Desktop Software viene installato ed eseguito sui sistemi desktop e Sincronizzazione dei dati: BlackBerry Desktop Software consente di
Palm - Software - Palm Desktop 4.1.4 for Windows
Automatic Installation - Upgrade to Palm® Desktop Software 4.1.4 and remove your current version of Palm Desktop Software with our automatic installer.

SOLO GRATIS.IT - Software - Desktop gratis
Tutto sulla telefonia, gratis: elenchi telefonici, fax, loghi operatore, suonerie, messaggi sms, pagine gialle, prefissi, tariffe telefoniche,
GNOME: The Free Software Desktop Project
GNU Object Model Environment: Building a full, user-friendly desktop for Unix operating systems, based entirely on free software.
BlackBerry Desktop Software viene installato ed eseguito sui sistemi desktop e Sincronizzazione dei dati: BlackBerry Desktop Software consente di
BlackBerry Desktop Software installs and runs on your desktop PC. Synchronization - BlackBerry Desktop Software synchronizes your email and organizer
Palm - Software - Palm Desktop 4.1.4 for Windows
Automatic Installation - Upgrade to Palm® Desktop Software 4.1.4 and remove your current version of Palm Desktop Software with our automatic installer.
Software - Desktop Publishing - Genux.com
Desktop Publishing Genux.com Internet Store è un negozio on-line di articoli informatici e home entertainment. Film DVD games giochi computer notebook
Software / Personalizzazione Desktop
Personalizzazione Desktop. Scegli una delle sottocategorie sottostanti per visualizzare l'elenco dei programmi che vi appartengono:
Palm – Software Connection
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