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Coca-Cola joins with Musicmatch in marketing venture Velozie
Coca-Cola said on Wednesday it has teamed up with online music company Musicmatch Inc. to promote its Sprite brand, marking the latest alliance between a major beverage maker and an online music service.
Spending Gap for Online Marketing a key topic of Wall Street Transcript Internet Advertising Report Wall Street Transcript via Yahoo! Finance
67 WALL STREET, New York--November 9, 2006--The Wall Street Transcript has just published its Internet Advertising and Marketing issue, a report offering a timely review of the sector to serious investors and industry executives. This 30-page feature contains interviews with 3 leading industry analysts, and industry commentary through in-depth interviews with top management from 3 firms. The
SearchFactz, a New Search Engine Marketing Tool Impacts Online Sales PR Web via Yahoo! News
St. Petersburg, FL (PRWEB) October 12, 2006 -- The Internet marketing battlefield has created one of today's most dynamic industries -- Search Engine Marketing (SEM), an industry in which spending is predicted to reach $12 billion worldwide in 2006.
DTCM making its website more user-friendly AME Info
The Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) is continuing its concerted efforts to make its popular website more user-friendly, offering a wealth of useful information and online services.
TOM Online Holding On: Fool by Numbers The Motley Fool via Yahoo! News
On Nov. 9, Motley Fool Stock Advisor recommendation TOM Online (Nasdaq: TOMO - News) released third-quarter earnings for the period ended Sept. 30, 2006.
For small investor, opportunity online The Hindu
Online share trading has witnessed tremendous growth in the recent past and is emerging as a popular tool for investments in the stock market. Business Line caught up with Mr Kedar Deshpande, Assistant General Manager, ICICIdirect.com, to discuss the advantages that the e-broking platform offers to the retail investor.
From resorts to ski reviews, it's online Chicago Tribune
As another ski season approaches, it's time to get up to speed on the new resorts, new skis and snowboards on the market and, most importantly, the new online resources to help you make sense of it all. The past year has witnessed a number of new offerings for those heading to the slopes, as well as new tricks for some of the most established ski Web sites. The following Web sites are all worth a
Online education continues to grow in higher-ed Ars Technica
More and more schools and universities are offering digital learning programs, and students are attending in record numbers. Is this the new face of education?
Demand for Internet Marketing Tools Drives Development of Direct-to-Desktop Technology PR Web
Direct-to-desktop technology now within reach of even the smallest online business, thanks to release of new version of Desktop Marketer software by The Internet Marketing Center (PRWeb Nov 10, 2006) Trackback URI: http://www.prweb.com/zingpr.php/SG9yci1Db3VwLUluc2UtU3F1YS1NYWduLVplcm8=
Denver's Top Search Engine Marketing Firm is Ready to Promote The Villas at Cocoplum -- a Development Company that PR Web
The Villas at Cocoplum is ready to expand their online presence by joining forces with a leading web design and marketing agency out of Denver Colorado. (PRWeb Nov 10, 2006) Trackback URI: http://www.prweb.com/zingpr.php/UGlnZy1NYWduLUhhbGYtU3F1YS1NYWduLVplcm8=

Come utilizzare al meglio Internet per trovare nuovi clienti: Pietro Veragouth tratta in questo libro le problematiche legate al marketing su Internet,
i-dome.com - Pill-o-stat - MARKETING ON-LINE
Pill-o-stat - MARKETING ON-LINE Dati e numeri sul Marketing on-line. Qui troverete anche ricerche dedicate al mondo dell'advertising on-line.
Marketing Online - Website van Tijdschrift voor Marketing
Informatiebronnen voor online en offline marketing. Nieuws, archief, hulpmiddelen, vacatures en de mogelijkheid om te abonneren op een nieuwsbrief.
Marketing Online
E-zine dedicated to online marketing.
Consulenze Web Marketing - Servizi di Marketing online
Servizi e consulenza web marketing per la migliore visibilit in rete.

Marketing Online
E-zine dedicated to online marketing.
Consulenze Web Marketing Ser di Marketing online
Ser e consulenza web marketing per la migliore visibilit in rete.
Online Marketing Robin Good's MasterNewMedia Italia
Il Marketing online e le strategie di Marketing su Internet,. Gli strumenti e i ser di web marketing, promuovere un sito Web, PR, visibilità online e
, Marketing, Media and PR News Brand Republic
Find the latest , Marketing, Media and PR news from Brand Republic, the online resource for up to the minute and marketing news and
Posizionamento nei Motori di Ricerca indicizzazione siti web
Sito di un consulente web marketing online che offre i suoi ser e prodotti a web designers ed altri professionisti del web.
CUOA On-Line
The weekly ICONOCAST e-marketing newsletter: delivering provocative reporting on news, ysis and trends affecting the Internet marketing online industry
i-dome.com In rete
Marketing on-line Siti italiani che trattano e approfondiscono le tematiche Il marketing online e i suoi strumenti operativi L'e-book sul marketing
Guerrilla Marketing Online The Official Site
Guerrilla Marketing Online is anonline magazine for small business, entrepreneurs, sales people and marketers of all kinds.
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