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Download Flash Player Stuff
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Firefox gets Flash code News 24 South Africa
Adobe is contributing some of the code behind its Flash player to Mozilla so that it can be blended into an upcoming version of Firefox.
Adobe donates Flash code to Mozilla Firefox Velozie
Adobe Systems Inc. is contributing some of the computer code behind its widely used Flash player to the Mozilla Foundation so that it can be improved upon and blended into an upcoming version of Mozilla's Web browser, Firefox.
Iraq small part of Bush speech Baltimore Sun
Remarks for Veterans Day contrast with strong rhetoric last year in defense of the war President Bush marked Veterans Day by praising U.S. troops for fighting tyranny and oppression, yet touched only briefly on the war in Iraq, where U.S. commanders are rethinking strategy.
Advisers hunt for Iraq exit strategy Baltimore Sun
Options for a new direction appear scant, experts say President Bush and his top aides and military advisers, struggling to define a new strategic direction for the war in Iraq, meet tomorrow with a blue-ribbon Iraq study group to begin reviewing options for ending Iraq's bloody agony and bringing American troops home.
10 Shiites killed, 50 kidnapped in ambush Baltimore Sun
52 others found dead across Iraq yesterday Sunni gunmen ambushed a convoy of minibuses last night at a fake checkpoint on the dangerous highway south of Baghdad, killing 10 Shiite passengers and kidnapping about 50. Across the country at least 52 other people were killed in violence or were found dead, five of them decapitated Iraqi soldiers.
Bush removes Rumsfeld as defense chief Baltimore Sun
Former CIA Director Gates to succeed him; voter disapproval over Iraq acknowledged From the cover
Killed in Iraq Baltimore Sun
As of yesterday, at least 2,839 members of the U.S. military have died since March 2003.

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È disponibile anche una versione del Flash player Macromedia per dispositivi mobili denominato Macromedia Flash Lite che permette la visualizazzione di
Download Adobe (Macromedia) Flash Player - An Internet
Download Adobe (Macromedia) Flash Player - An Internet standard when it comes to viewing multimedia content on the Web. - Soft32.com.
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Adobe - Flash Player:Gestione impostazioni
Gestione impostazioni di Adobe Flash Player consente di gestire le impostazioni di Per specificare se si desidera che Flash Player controlli le versioni
Download Adobe (Macromedia) Flash Player - An Internet
Download Adobe (Macromedia) Flash Player - An Internet standard when it comes to viewing multimedia content on the Web. - Soft32.com.
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