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Attacks Launched Against Unpatched Windows Bug TechWeb via Yahoo! News
For the second time in less than a week, Microsoft has acknowledged that attackers are exploiting a critical, unpatched flaw in Windows to snatch PCs from their owners.
Denial-of-Service-Lücke in Firefox 2.0 aufgetaucht ZDNet Deutschland
In Firefox 2.0 ist eine Javascript-Schwachstelle aufgetaucht, mit der Hacker den Browser zum Absturz bringen können. Ein Vertreter von Mozilla sagte, dass entgegen der Darstellung in einigen Mailing-Listen kein beliebiger Code auf dem Rechner ausführbar sei.
Sun: Java Won't Clash With Vista TechNewsWorld.com
Fending off reports that Java doesn't jibe with the upcoming Microsoft Windows Vista OS, Sun Microsystems is saying, "Don't worry, Java Standard Edition 6 will get along with Vista just fine." Java SE 6 is due in November; Vista will be out early in 2007.
Visual Studio users get agile programming link InfoWorld via Yahoo! News
VersionOne's Fall 2006 release of its agile software development platform features a plug-in for users of the Microsoft Visual Studio environment.
Microsoft: IE 7 Is AJAX-Ready eWeek
At the AJAX Experience conference, Microsoft says its new browser is perfect for AJAX applications; meanwhile, the company is working on Internet Explorer 8.
Visual Studio users get agile programming link InfoWorld
( InfoWorld ) - VersionOne's Fall 2006 release of its agile software development platform features a plug-in for users of the Microsoft Visual Studio environment. V1: Agile Enterprise provides application lifecycle management for software development projects utilizing agile methodologies. The Fall 2006 edition is being announced next week. "This version was primarily about extending
Adobe ponies up for Apollo CNET
Adobe to invest part of $100 million venture fund the downloadable player that lets Web applications appear as desktop programs.
Firefox: Firefox 2.0 veröffentlicht 4players
Firefox 2.0 veröffentlicht
Firefox 2 online p2pnet.net
Check it out
Firefox 2.0 released PC Advisor
The next generation of the open-source Firefox web browser, version 2.0, has been launched. It's sporting a selection of feature- and security-enhancements

Trucchi - Tweaks - per migliorare le prestazioni del pc e
Categoria Javascript trovati 1 trucchi TRUCCO#199, Soluzioni per l'errore Windows Update 0x80244010, 2069, Windows
XP: Get Updates No Matter What or Change your Invalid Product Key
javascript:void(window.g_sDisableWGACheck='all') and press enter Then make your selection. Windows Update doesn't work for me. by etechship
Download Java software for Windows from Sun Microsystems
JAVA SOFTWARE for Windows MANUAL DOWNLOAD. Java Software, Java Runtime Environment Version 5.0 Update 9. Javascript and Cookies must be enabled so we can
JavaScript-Befehl hebelt Microsofts Echtheitsprüfung aus - Golem.de
Der JavaScript-Befehl setzt dazu einen internen Cookie-Wert zurück. Dann überprüft die Update-Seite nicht mehr die verwendete Windows-Lizenz,
Only LAMERS don't get here!
Windows Update | C++ | C | PHP | JavaScript | Photoshop | Programming | Windows 2000 | Python | Windows XP | Object | Flash | Flash - ActionScript | Paint

Download Java software for Windows from Sun Microsystems
JAVA SOFTWARE for Windows MANUAL DOWNLOAD. Java Software, Java Runtime Environment Version 5.0 Update 9. Javascript and Cookies must be enabled so we can
JavaScript-Befehl hebelt Microsofts Echtheitsprüfung aus - Golem.de
Der JavaScript-Befehl setzt dazu einen internen Cookie-Wert zurück. Dann überprüft die Update-Seite nicht mehr die verwendete Windows-Lizenz,
Only LAMERS don't get here!
Windows Update | C++ | C | PHP | JavaScript | Photoshop | Programming | Windows 2000 | Python | Windows XP | Object | Flash | Flash - ActionScript | Paint
.:° JsDir °:. JavaScript .:° Centinaia di domande e risposte. FAQ
Javascript. Libri, siti, sondaggi, tutorials, scripts, tutto inedito ed Microsoft Windows Update: leggete attentamente i vari "Critical update" e
WINDOWS.SWZone.it - Area tematica su Windows - SWZ - SOFTWARE ZONE
Quarta puntata del nostro corso di introduzione al javascript, oggi si parla degli oggetti. Thurrott’s SuperSite · Windows Update · ClearType Tuner
ZEUS News - Sicurezza - Notizie dall'Olimpo informatico
I developer ritrattano: la vulnerabilità nella gestione di Javascript è meno grave di Apple pubblica un Security Update che interessa OS X e Windows.
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CSIT - Università di Udine
Accedi subito alla pagina con le istruzioni per attivare javascript. Gli aggiornamenti al sistema operativo, tramite Windows Update, sono a disposizione
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