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Scientists find lamprey a 'living fossil'
Scientists from the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, and the University of Chicago have uncovered a remarkably well-preserved fossil lamprey from the Devonian period that reveals today's lampreys as "living
Origins of Life: New approach helps expand study of living fossils
Dominating the fossil record for 80 percent of our planet's history, stromatolites formed massive reefs in this plane's primitive oceans. While stromatolites look much like coral reefs, they are actually formed from living
Bloodsucking Lamprey Found to Be "Living Fossil"
It may not be pretty, but the eel-like fish has stood the test of timeā€”at least 360 million years, according to a new study of the oldest lamprey fossil ever found
Thunderbird Fairy Tales
Nevertheless, the people living in that region must have been captivated by these fossils they greatly mistaken as dinosaurs to the point of taking advantage of it and began to make up all sorts of forgeries, which in many cases depicts
Bloodsucking Lamprey Found to Be "Living Fossil", National Geographic
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New mouse find is 'living fossil'
This phenomenon is called 'stasis' and is prevalent in the fossil record. Creatures that have exhibited stasis and are still alive today are called "living fossils". The mouse discussed in this article is one of them.
Response from Mike Janitch
The notion that the coelacanth is a "living fossil" was created by the media, not scientists, to popularize this interesting case. Scientists once thought the coelacanth was extinct because no fossils of it younger than 65 million years
Oz fossil sheds light on mankind's evolution
The coelacanth, which the paleontologists describe as a "living fossil" fish with "proto legs", was once thought to have become extinct with the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. The problem for Darwinism is if the Coelacanth's lobe-fins
Scientists Find Lamprey A 'Living Fossil'
Scientists from the
Scientists find 'living fossil' mouse in mountainous region of Cyprus
ears, eyes and teeth that lives in a mountainous area of Cyprus. The mouse was native to the eastern Mediterranean island, survived the arrival of man on Cyprus and could be considered a "living fossil," experts said
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