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A modest proposal
Or imagine the power if BCBS, Harvard Pilgrim, and Tufts were all to create this program as a shared venture, but with a firewall between their systems so that data stayed with the subscriber's current insurer.
Harvard Pilgrim CEO Charlie Baker on Challenges Facing Health Care
Charlie Baker, CEO of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, said the health care system faces a number of challenges, but one of the most significant is how Americans take care of themselves. Speaking at the CEO Breakfast earlier this month,
Specialty drugs seen driving up premiums
Harvard Pilgrim delivers high-cost drugs directly to doctors' offices -- cutting out the mark-up of retail In addition, Minkoff said, Harvard Pilgrim works with a limited number of suppliers, so it can negotiate better prices.
Comment on Harvard Pilgrim CEO Charlie Baker on Challenges Facing
Comment on Harvard Pilgrim CEO Charlie Baker on Challenges Facing
Important points for us to address. However, I would add the complicated issue of setting limitations on our expectations. We seem to be able to do this in other industries, but not in healthcare
Comment on Harvard Pilgrim CEO Charlie Baker on Challenges Facing
It's great to see an event like this so well publicized. Mr. Baker was a fantastic speaker and many can learn from his words of wisdom
Comment on Harvard Pilgrim CEO Charlie Baker on Challenges Facing
Good Point
Comment on Harvard Pilgrim CEO Charlie Baker on Challenges Facing
In regards to Health Care, it is important to take care of oneself but the bigger issue is to make Health Care affordable to all citizens
Comment on Harvard Pilgrim CEO Charlie Baker on Challenges Facing
Great idea
Comment on Harvard Pilgrim CEO Charlie Baker on Challenges Facing
The iTunes drawing got me to look, but now that I've seen the blog, I'll probably become a regular
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