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Profile of Jack Meyer, Harvard Management Company President
"Harvard Management Company is the only first-class investment institution owned by a nonprofit." Bold words from Jack Meyer, MBA 1969, President of Harvard Management Company, but perhaps justified by impressive investment performance.
Yahoo reorg: Semel, Decker stay; Rosensweig out
The group will leverage the success the company has had to date, s senior management team, actively led by Semel and with the continued Decker holds a BS from Tufts University and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
One Leadership Style Doesn't Fit All Law Firms
In fact, a recent study by Harvard and GE confirmed that negative things can happen in style when a company hires a successful CEO away from another company. management’s job is to reinforce the vision through the organization’s
Are CEOs Underpaid?
Meanwhile, the average CEO of a large, publicly traded American company now as socially useful—if not to the basketball court, then to money management. Three law school professors—Lucian Bebchuk of Harvard, Jesse Fried of the
Enron's Harvard connections
Winokur who chaired the finance committee of Enron's board announced his resignation from the Harvard Corporation board on which he served in April 2002 but remains a member of the board of Harvard Management Company which manages
Google Management
Google Management Co-founders Larry Page, president of Products, He has published articles in the Harvard Business Review, The Washington Post, He also worked as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company where he served a
Vegas Baby!
Kara is the Director of Research at NN/g, and heads the Company’s East Coast operations. Colin Price, Manager, Media and Technology, Harvard Health Publications Ongoing management and metrics: Improving your site over time
The Racism Industry
disguised under the cloak of academia or human resources management? You guest it, Harvard University. In fact in the FAQ section the authors go to “a multicultural research and marketing solutions company that combines the
Mohamed A. El-Erian, President & CEO of Harvard endowment, on the
Club by Mohamed A. El-Erian, President and CEO, Harvard Management Company, which manages the $29 billion Harvard endowment (as of 6/30/06). The endowment has had consistently impressive performance. As background, I’ve posted on the
Harvard Business School Endorses Corporate Blogging
Skillful blogging can boost your company’s credibility and help it connect with customers. From Harvard Management Communication Letter. When Bob Lutz, the vice chairman of product development at General Motors, wants to get quick
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