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Pentecostals vs. Paleoanthropologists ABC News
Famed Paleontologist Richard Leakey Is Taking on Church Leaders Who Are Pressing Kenya's National Museum to Hide Its World-Famous Fossil Collection
Fly me to the moon The Oregonian
T he National Aeronautics and Space Administration is winding up to refresh one of the most overused rhetorical phrases in history: "If we can put a man on the moon, why can't we . . . ?"
Neanderthal man was driven to cannibalism Daily Telegraph
An unusual haul of Neanderthal bones has disclosed how our beetle-browed cousins eked out such a meagre existence that they were probably driven to eat each other.
Study links leisure to 20 pct carbon emissions Reuters via Yahoo! Asia News
LONDON (Reuters) - Guilty consumers are used to regretting the climate change impacts of pleasures ranging from imported food to their own trips abroad, but they may not have known about the carbon emissions of watching football.
Alternative-energy boom roils Asian environments Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Investors are pouring billions of dollars into "renewable" energy sources such as ethanol, biodiesel and solar power that promise to reduce the world's reliance on petroleum.
Gendered Division Of Labor Gave Modern Humans Advantage Over Neanderthals Science Daily
Diversified social roles for men, women and children may have given Homo sapiens an advantage over Neanderthals, says a new study in the December 2006 issue of Current Anthropology. The study argues that division of economic labor by and age emerged relatively recently in human evolutionary history and facilitated the spread of modern humans throughout Eurasia.
Scientists Develop Plan to Lock Away CO2 RedNova
By Sandi Doughton RICHLAND, Wash. - Pete McGrail knelt at the base of a towering basalt cliff, picked up a chunk of rock and tilted it to catch the sunlight. "That's what we're interested in," he said, pointing to a Swiss- cheese network of tiny holes.
What do you think farming in 2026 will be like? FWi Farmers Weekly Interactive
Farmers Weekly Columnist Alan Bedford has won a writing competition about farming in 2026, run for agriculture students in Yorkshire.
Letters to the editor Portsmouth Herald
I was pleased to read that the Oakhurst Dairy is switching to a biodiesel fuel blend for all their delivery trucks (Portsmouth Herald Business section, Nov. 29.)
To The Moon! NASA To Build Lunar Base Science Daily
NASA has unveiled the initial elements of the Global Exploration Strategy and a proposed U.S. lunar architecture to return humans to the moon. NASA's Lunar Architecture Team concluded that the most advantageous approach is to develop a solar-powered lunar base and to locate it near one of the poles of the moon.
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