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Grain prices soar in China as bio-fuel use rises AFP via Yahoo!7 News
BEIJING (AFP) - Grain prices in China are soaring due to increasing amounts of corn and other crops being used for bio-fuel instead of food.
Grain prices soar in China as bio-fuel use rises TODAYonline
A wheat field on the outskirts of Beijing. China fears Grain prices in China are soaring due to increasing amounts of corn and other crops being used for bio-fuel instead of food
Technique could double U.S. oil reserves EARTHtimes.org
A fossil fuel division of the U.S. Energy Department says experimental oil production was a success and could double U.S. oil reserves.
Regulatory Measures toward a Green Economy Drive Adoption of Fuel Cells in Automotive Industry The Auto Channel
DUBLIN, Ireland-- Research and Markets has announced the addition of “ Advances in Fuel Cells for Automotive Applications (Technical Insights) ” to their offering
Letters: Hypocrisy tainted global warming talk Corvallis Gazette Times
So, “about 200 people” attended Oregon Secretary of State Bill Bradbury’s talk on climate change. I wonder how many of them drove fossil fuel-burning vehicles to get to the library for this event.
Unprecedented Efficiency In Producing Hydrogen From Water Science Daily
Scientists are reporting a major advance in technology for water photooxidation --using sunlight to produce clean-burning hydrogen fuel from ordinary water. Michael Gratzel and colleagues in Switzerland note that nature found this Holy Grail of modern energy independence 3 billion years ago, with the evolution of blue-green algae that use photosynthesis to split water into its components,
Abundant source of energy The Star Online
What makes hydrogen an energy tool? The most common element in the universe, hydrogen has the highest energy content per unit weight of any known fuel. It never occurs by itself in nature – it always combines with other elements such as oxygen (for water) and carbon (for fossil fuels).
Renewable Energy Use to Grow Rapidly AP via Yahoo! Finance
Energy markets will shift further toward alternative sources in the coming years, driven primarily by higher prices for traditional fossil fuels and recently enacted public policy, according to a Department of Energy report released Tuesday.
Malaysia Seeks Palm Oil Industry Expansion AP via Yahoo! Finance
Expansion of palm oil industry -- which many hope will provide the fuel of the future -- must be sustainable, environmentally-friendly and protect local communities, Malaysia's deputy prime minister said in a speech Tuesday.
Americans try to shift into 'carbon neutral' The Christian Science Monitor via Yahoo! News
Are you living "carbon neutral" - or better yet, "carbon negative"? Have you gone on a "carbon diet"? Are you shrinking your "carbon footprint" on the earth or aiming for a "net zero" lifestyle?
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