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A Capacitor to Set Off the Blue in Your Eyes New York Times
Folks who are seeking up-to-the-nanosecond styles can choose from a growing list of jewelry laden with technology.
Unprecedented Efficiency In Producing Hydrogen From Water Science Daily
Scientists are reporting a major advance in technology for water photooxidation --using sunlight to produce clean-burning hydrogen fuel from ordinary water. Michael Gratzel and colleagues in Switzerland note that nature found this Holy Grail of modern energy independence 3 billion years ago, with the evolution of blue-green algae that use photosynthesis to split water into its components,
COURTSIDE REPLAY Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Game balls
Dinosaurs and their descendants made to listen to reason Times Online
It was Tony Blair versus the dinosaurs yesterday as the Prime Minister explained why Trident must be retained. Mr Blair was at his most statesman-like - calm, measured, patriotic.
NASA Presentations at 2006 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
NASA researchers will present findings on a variety of Earth and space science topics at the 2006 fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union. The meeting runs Mon., Dec. 11 through Fri., Dec. 15 at the Moscone Convention Center West , 800 Howard Street, and Moscone Center South , 747 Howard Street , San Francisco.
Ice Age clues near Bodega / Scientist thinks mammoths rubbed coast rocks 12,000 years ago San Francisco Chronicle
On a sunny, brisk late November day, Edward Breck Parkman hunched over and rubbed his back, pachyderm-like, against a large rock jutting out of a meadow on the rugged, green coastline near Bodega Bay. The senior archaeologist for the California
Indian shares rise to new record; Karachi gains Reuters via Yahoo! Asia News
MUMBAI, Dec 4 (Reuters) - Indian shares rose 0.21 percent to a second successive record close on Monday, led by construction firm Larsen & Toubro Ltd. and Tata Motors , after it reported strong annual sales growth.
Windmill first of its kind in Haverhill Eagle-Tribune Online
HAVERHILL - It is tiny as power-generating windmills go, but large enough to catch the attention of drivers on Interstate 495 - the intended promotional effect.
Protesters brave wind to fight coal Hutchinson News
TOPEKA - A stiff north wind whipped at protestors outside the state's Capitol on Saturday as they waved signs with slogans such as "Coal bad. Wind good." and called for a halt of plans for five new coal-fired power plants in Kansas.
Camping: Tamarisk Grove Daily Bulletin
We first visited Tamarisk Grove many years ago. The trees were small then, offering little shade. Today they've grown and you have to look for a site that's out in the open.
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