Making Time With the Watchmakers PreacherTom writes "In the age of watches that have more computational power than Apollo 11's computer, one would think that the watchmaker has gone the way of the cobbler, the blacksmith and the Dodo. Quite the contrary. FUNNY: Worst Web Hosting Company of All Time! Spoofed web hosting company that has zero uptime (meaning your websites are always down/no-working). Classically funny. Check it out pogo problem/ run time errors getting run time errors in pogo-- Line :16 error: object expected line:25 'parent game is null or not an objected' it happens in AOL but not Quiet Time I could wish that weblogging was less tenuous at times and all the excellent lawyers I've met over the years lived down the block from me, I also wanted to say that I'm going to be offline for an undetermined length of time. The Daily Rudy Hallow of the Washington Times on Rudy: Social conservatives -- contrary to conventional wisdom -- will seriously consider supporting the Republican presidential aspirations of Rudolph W. Giuliani even though he's a pro-choice, The MSM & The Blogosphere You'll want to read Rich Miller's column in the Sun-Times this morning. Miller takes on critics of the blogosphere (Rago, et al) and concludes: This phenomenon is not going away, no matter how much it is dismissed or chastised. The New 2008 Iowa Poll Check out the results of the new Iowa poll, conducted by Research 2000 for KCCI-TV from December 18 through December 20: Democrats John Edwards 22% Barack Obama 22% Tom Vilsack 12% Hillary Clinton 10% Al Gore 7% John Kerry 5% Send 100 free text messages at a time to anywhere in the world Get back at whatever he did by sending him 100 text messages at a time. This site lets you do that. Just make sure it's not anything illegal, such as harassing messages. The messages sent are totally anonymous. Men's Basketball: Big Time Semifinals Highlight City of Palms Action Friday's championship pairings are set in Fort Myers with Santa Ana (Calif.) Mater Dei going up against Jackson (Tenn.) Liberty Tech in the final Time to denationalise the software monopolies Utility computing is Silicon Valley's latest uber trend. Beneath the talk of software as a service (SaaS), Linux on 32-bit servers, and infrastructure management is a belief that powerful and productive systems can be delivered,
The official US time The official US time. Public service cooperatively provided by the two time agencies of United States: a civilian agency, the National Institute of @time Vengono offerti servizi di multicanalità per avere informazioni e operare su conti corrente e in titoli via Internet, telefono e Wap. Italian standard time Clock synchronized to the Italian Standard Time generated at Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale "Galileo Ferraris" in Torino. Time Inc. Portal SUBSCRIBE to Time Inc. Magazines: SPORTS ILLUSTRATED | TIME | PEOPLE | FORTUNE | IN STYLE | ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY | MONEY | PARENTING | REAL SIMPLE | TIME TIMEeurope.com - News Magazine - Current Events While the White House remains wary of the proposal to talk with Iran, Tehran sources tell TIME that the regime believes such talks are in the country's best Time and Date Lots of time and date related information, such as yearly and monthly calendars, counters, countdown, and the world clock which shows the current time in TimeTicker and the time tickers GMT offset via Flash rollover world map. Lists all countries in the world, and returns ticking accurate current time. Home Page - Winning Time Winning Time New Zealand · Winning Time South Africa · Winning Time Spain · Winning Time Americas · Winning Time Poland · Winning Time Turkey What time is it? US Naval Observatory Master Clock Time Dec. 17, 06:51:11 PM AKST Dec. 17, 05:51:11 PM HAST. Time Service Department, US Naval Observatory. A Walk Through Time An illustrated history of timekeeping from ancient times to the present.
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