Smart pillow analyzes your sleep Hiroshima International University techs have invented an electronic pillow that evaluates the quality of your sleep by monitoring your "sleep pattern" and the "condition of INTERNAL ORGANS." Called the "Don't You Think? [Sleep-disordered breathing] Induced sputum inflammatory measures They completed a sleep apnoea symptom questionnaire, underwent physical examination, spirometry, sputum induction and an overnight polysomnography. Adequate sputum contained <50% squamous epithelial cells, and OSA was diagnosed if the Margaret Carlson : US Losing Sleep Over Aimless Bush Does he sleep well at night? Are we losing or winning the war? Yes, no, make that maybe with pain in his heart. Are we winning? Yes, just not right this minute. Bush, a proud man, can't stand to have us see him this way. The Babes of The Big Sleep I asserted in a previous post that Howard Hawks's movie version of The Big Sleep "comes off as Hawks's excuse to feature as many beautiful women as possible." With the help of easily-embeddable video (the godsend for the lazy Sound Sleep to Reduce Stress and Be Healthier Do you remember when you were little and it seemed as though sleep overcame you as soon as your head hit your pillow? And you slumbered through the night until morning time? They call it the sleep of the innocent, but don't you wish you Having a Better Sleep : Sound Sleep for Health "When you go on vacation or visit with relatives, you usually take whatever "bed" you're given, whether it's a plush bed at a high-end resort or the pull-out sofa at your aunt's house," stated Andrea Herman, Director of the Better Sleep Should Altitude Sleep Tents Be Banned? An opinion on whether sleep tents should be used by professional athletes 7 Hidden Ways to Get Better Sleep Losing sleep is certainly not something to be taken lightly. An occasional night of tossing and turning is normal, but continued patterns of this behavior can cause real problems in your ability to function normally Holiday Sleep Disorders Affect Mental Health Holiday stress can contribute to insomnia affecting both physical and mental health. As the “to do” list gives the appearance of a never-ending treadmill, the [ Re: Over the counter sleep aids I too have sleep troubles up every 2 hrs all night sometimes evern worst than that. When I absolutely cannot go back to sleep I read awhile that helps but as far as sleep aids benaidrel and melitonan (sorry about the terrible spelling.
BBC - Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind - Sleep Improve your sleep and improve your life with this comprehensive guide and Whether you have trouble sleeping or not, take the Sleep Profiler and get Sleep Home Pages Comprehensive sleep information site which includes directories and contact information for all major sleep organisations. Useful for researchers, doctors Sleep - Java Scripting Language A full featured scripting language with perlish syntax for Java Applications. American Academy of Sleep Medicine Professional organization dedicated to the advancement of sleep medicine, related research, and provide public and professional education. Sleep Information for Patients and the Public, NHLBI Covers sleepiness,insomnia, sleep apnea, and narcolepsy. The Sleep Site. Sleep Apnea, Snoring, Narcolepsy, Insomnia and How to analyze sleep-related symptoms and obtain effective help when warranted. Provided by Columbus Community Health Regional Sleep Disorders Center. Better Sleep Council Useful site. The Council was established in 1978, the Better Sleep Council (BSC) is a nonprofit organization supported by the mattress industry that is How to Sleep Well Nothing is more frustrating than not being able to sleep. Regular exercise is recommended to help you sleep well, but the timing of the workout is Polyphasic Sleep I find his experiments in polyphasic sleep just fascinating. I have been reading Steve Pavlina’s account of his polyphasic sleep experiment with great Common Sleep Problems Most teens don't get enough sleep, but that's usually because they tend to skimp on sleep. But sleep problems can keep some people awake at night even when
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