Japanese pet owners turn to acupuncture AP via Yahoo! News Andy has sprouted white whiskers, suffers from lower back pain and no longer bounds up the stairs like he used to. Still, the 11-year-old Siberian husky isn't lying idle: every week he meets his personal trainer for a run on an underwater treadmill, does laps in a doggy pool to strengthen his hind legs and unwinds with a hot spa and massage session. Get a Head Start on Your New Year's Resolution Waynesboro Record Herald (ARA) - Have you watched shows like NBC's The Biggest Loser, where contestants compete to lose weight over the course of the show, and thought, "I could lose weight if I had a personal trainer to motivate me, a great gym to work out in and someone to plan my meals?" NordicTrackR Releases New Entertainment Treadmill SYS-CON Media NordicTrack® releases the latest in treadmill technology that combines entertainmentand exercise. With an MP3 port, a built-in TV and an ifit® workout cardas the consumer's personal trainer, working out has never been thisenjoyable. NordicTrackR Releases New Entertainment Treadmill Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance NordicTrack® releases the latest in treadmill technology that combines entertainment and exercise. With an MP3 port, a built-in TV and an ifit® workout card as the consumer's personal trainer, working out has never been this enjoyable. Trainer cops three years OWNER-trainer Nicole Boyd yesterday was disqualified for three years for using a cattle prod on a horse during a trackwork gallop. Winter sports discussion: Boys and girls basketball, wrestling and cheerleading new slate Dec. 1 Daily American The rules of the Blog are simple: Use a nickname logging on. We can't allow real names because it could be someone falsely using that name to embarrass that person. Don't write a book. Keep your comments at reasonable length. No profanity, racism or personal attacks. Software converts handwriting into computer readable data. ThomasNet MyScript Notes v2.1 converts handwritten text, including shapes, tables, and drawings, captured through digital pens and writing devices into digital information that can be sent to email clients, text editors, or spreadsheets. Software features writer adaptation for Asian languages and a user interface in 16 different languages. MyScript Trainer module helps users create recognition profile to Get more done: personal development Canadian Business Determine key tasks. An important task should add to your bottom line or enhance your reputation, says The Strategic Coach's Dan Sullivan. If a task doesn't fall into one of those three categories, then it's not important and shouldn't be given priority. Curl your way to better biceps Kansas City Star Work on your biceps with these exercises from Atlanta personal trainer Tina Gee: Use 3- to 5-pound weights in each hand at your sides. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, palms facing in. Lift your arms up in front with palms facing in. Lower your arms, then lift them to the sides at shoulder height with palms facing down. Lower your arms, bend your knees and hinge forward at your hips until Stalker of Michigan's Carr pleads no contest Sports Illustrated Read full story for latest details.
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