After the war, the anxiety remains Haaretz Daily It's been four months since the war in the North ended, and the telephone at Rambam Medical Center's department for anxiety and stress is still ringing. The 20 or so calls a week indicate that for many, the war has not been forgotten, and the struggle for normalcy continues. Kim Stagliano: The Drugged Out Voice of the Autism Mom HuffingtonPost Do we live in a "Pharmocracy" today? Here's the cheery message that greeted me this morning when I opened my Yahoo page: "Want to protect yourself from cervical cancer and genital warts? Roll over to learn more." Oy vey. Pal, I don't care if you're George Clooney naked in my bed with Denzel Washington patiently waiting his turn downstairs in the kitchen. I will roll over for a kiss. I will ZUCK: Happily regressing for the holidays The Sun Chronicle Sunday, December 3, 2006 11:06 PM EST Gosh, this is so embarrassing. If it were just the thumb-sucking and the mid-afternoon naps, I might be able to handle it. But the fact that I'm also wetting my bed now and throwing temper tantrums in the grocery store is a little bit too much to take. SECURITY COUNCIL STRONGLY CONDEMNS CONTINUED USE OF CHILDREN IN ARMED CONFLICT; United Nations Strongly condemning the continuing recruitment and use of children in armed conflict in violation of international law, the Security Council today reiterated its commitment to address the widespread impact of armed conflict on children and its determination to ensure continued implementation of its resolution 1612 (2005) and all previous resolutions on children and armed conflict, as it held a
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