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Five More Members Choose SpendAdvisor, Premier's Innovative Spend Analytics Tool RedNova
Five more Premier members -- two large integra
Five More Members Choose SpendAdvisor, Premier's Innovative Spend Analytics Tool Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
CHARLOTTE, N.C.----Five more Premier members - two large integrated delivery networks and three acute care hospitals - have chosen SpendAdvisor, the healthcare alliance's groundbreaking spend management decision-making tool, to help them find opportunities to improve efficiencies and overall costs associated with their total supply spend.

Hospital Bed Capacity Task Force Report
Force with technical information and data relating to hospital bed statistics. 10 Benchmarking Acute Care Hospital Beds.
Article | Budget Benchmarking; Spirit of Excellence Award for Quality--Honorable Mention.
Price: $4.95 | Excerpt: "Gibson General Hospital in Trenton, Tenn., wanted to compare its quality-improvement efforts with other facilities serving rural healthcare
Benchmarking in health-system pharmacy: Experience at Glens Falls Hospital
Hospital (GFH) with the Benchmarking. Program coordinated by The Clinical Phar lar-type benchmark hospital exceed- ing those at GFH by $5 per occupied. bed.
Benchmarking in Health-System Pharmacy
Benchmarking antimicrobial drug use in an institutional setting can identify Cost per occupied bed ($/OB) at the sample hospital (diamonds) is compared with
CAHPS Database: Hospital Survey Component
CAHPS Benchmarking Database released its first CAHPS Hospital Survey Chartbook by selected characteristics (e.g., bed size, region, teaching status)
Budget Benchmarking; Spirit of Excellence. - Modern Healthcare
12/23/2002 - HighBeam Research: Preview excerpt of this Modern Healthcare article. Free trial access to the full text of over 35 million articles from thousands of
The CAHPS Hospital Survey H-CAHPS
National Implementation of the CAHPS Hospital Survey. Benchmarking Data Available by selected characteristics (e.g., bed size, region, teaching status)
About Finley
as evidenced by our patient outcomes and benchmarking of quality indicators. that humble beginning as a 40-bed hospital in the Finley home to its current
Force with technical information and data relating to hospital bed statistics. 10 Benchmarking Acute Care Hospital Beds.
Hospital Materials Management Benchmarking Program Launched
announces the launch of a new hospital materials management benchmarking program. management cost per average occupied bed against other similar sized hospitals. bed+benchmarking+hospital: bed+benchmarking+hospital
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