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Lower Blood Pressure Naturally With Frank Mangano
at the grim statistics the American Heart Association provides on High Blood Pressure: High blood pressure (hypertension) killed 46,765 Americans in 2001. It was listed as a primary or contributing cause of death in about 251,000 U.S. deaths in 2000. As many as 50 million Americans age 6 and older have high blood pressure. One in five Americans (and one in four adults) has high blood pressure. Of those people with high blood pressure, 30 percent don't know they have it. Of all people with high blood pressure, 11 percent aren't on therapy (special diet or drugs), 25 percent are on inadequate therapy, and 34 percent are on adequate therapy. The cause of 90-95 percent of the cases of high blood pressure isn't known; however, high blood pressure is easily detected and usually controllable. High blood pressure affects more than 40 percent of African Americans. Here's more of what the American Heart Association says about what a grave concern high blood pressure is: " High

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KNOW ? * About 17,000,000 Americans have diabetes. That's 6.2% of our population or about one in every 16 people in the U.S. have diabetes! WOW ! * Approximately 2,700 Americans are newly diagnosed with diabetes EVERY DAY, or about one million per year. If this were a viral or bacterial communicable disease it would no doubt be considered a NATIONAL EPIDEMIC! 2,700 newly diagnosed cases of diabetes EVERY DAY! Unbelievable! * Due to complications from diabetes some 82,000 lower limb amputations occur per year. This averages to be about 225 Americans becoming permanently maimed EVERY DAY ! Are you or your loved one destined to become one of these statistics? If I told you that there was information available that may help prevent many of these amputations, wouldn't it be worth your time to investigate? * Diabetes causes 12,000 - 24,000 new cases of blindness every year. This means an average of 33-64 Americans lose their sight - permanently - EVERY DAY due to complications of

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