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No.364 , Compendium of meteorology - For use by
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Vol. I, Parte 1, Dynamic Meteorology
Vol. I, Parte 2, Physical Meteorology
Vol. I, Parte 3, Synoptic Meteorology
Vol. II, Parte 1, General Hydrology
Vol. II, Parte 2, Aeronautical Meteorology
Vol. II, Parte 3, Marine Meteorology
Vol. II, Parte 4, Tropical Meteorology
Vol. II, Parte 5, Hydrometeorology
Vol.II, Parte 6, Air Chemistry and Air Pollution
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No.386, International Clouds Atlas,
Vol. I, Manual on the observation of clouds and other
Vol. II, Plates.
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BILANCINI, R., - Breve dizionario dei termini
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BILANCINI, R., - Nota tecnica n.2 - Breve dizionario
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CENA, G., - Nota tecnica n.3 - Caratteristiche di un
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Nota informativa n.4 - Le esplosioni nucleari e i loro
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FANTAUZZO, F., - Lezioni di Meteorologia, Poligrafico
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ROSSI, B., - Elementi di meteorologia generale e
sinottica, Poligrafico Accademia Navale, Livorno. |
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Annuario di statistiche meteorologiche - ISTAT, Roma (pubblicazione
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Precipitazioni mensili dei giorni piovosi nel trentennio 1921 - 1950,
Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, Roma.
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) |
La temperatura media dell'aria in Italia nel trentennio 1926-1955,
Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, Roma.
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) |
![](immagini/logosma.gif) RIVISTA DI METEOROLOGIA AERONAUTICA, Organo del Servizio
Meteorologico dell'Aeronautica Militare.
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![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) |
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) |
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) |
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht - Holland / Boston - U.S.A. (si pubblica 2
volte l'anno).
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | BULLETIN DE L'OMM
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY (Stati Uniti). Monthly.
Publishes papers on historical and scientific topics that are of general
interest to the AMS membership. It also publishes papers in areas of current
scientific controversy and debate, as well as review articles.
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | CLIMATIC CHANGE, edito dalla Kluwer Academic Publishers, Olanda.
E' un periodico scientifico che tratta esclusivamente la variabilità e i
mutamenti del clima.
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | FEUILLET METEOROLOGIQUE
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | GEOFISICA INTERNACIONAL
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | HIDROLOGIJA I METEOROLOGIJA, Sofia.
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | JOURNAL DE RECHERCHES ATMOSPHERIQUES.
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY (Stati Uniti).
The JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY publishes applied research
related to physical meteorology, cloud physics, hydrology, weather
modification, satellite meteorology, boundary layer processes, air pollution
meteorology (including dispersion and chemical processes), agricultural and
forest meteorology, and applied meteorological numerical models of all types.
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY (Stati Uniti).
Monthly. Publishes research related to the physics of the ocean and to
processes operating at its boundaries. Theoretical and modeling studies are
welcome, especially those that are linked to observations. Papers that
investigate interactions with other components of the earth system (e.g.,
ocean–atmosphere, physical–biological and physical–chemical
interactions) as well as studies of other fluid systems (e.g., lakes and
laboratory tanks) are also invited, as long as their focus is on
understanding the ocean.
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
(Stati Uniti). Semimonthly. Publishes basic research related to the
physics, dynamics, and chemistry of the atmosphere of the Earth and other
planets, with emphasis on the quantitative and deductive aspects of the
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN.
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | LA METEOROLOGIE
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | METEOROLOGICKÉ ZPRÁVY
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | METEOROLOGISCHE RUNDSCHAU
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | MET
MAR. Revue trimestrielle de météorologie marine. Par Météo-France.
Met Mar est une revue destinée principalement aux marins civils ou
militaires effectuant des observations météorologiques. Cette revue est
donc diffusée à bord de tous les navires sélectionnés par Météo-France
(120 navires de commerce et de pêche 160 navires de guerre) et aux sémaphores
des côtes de France. Au fil des ans les articles généraux se sont développés
et maintenant Met Mar intéresse un public de plus en plus large allant du
simple particulier curieux des choses de la mer aux chercheurs et étudiants.
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | MONTHLY WEATHER
REVIEW. Monthly. Publishes research related to analysis and
prediction of observed and modeled circulations of the atmosphere, including
technique development, data assimilation, model validation, and relevant
case studies. This includes papers on numerical techniques and data
assimilation techniques that apply to the atmosphere and/or ocean
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | METEOROLOGICAL AND GEOASTROPHYSICAL ABSTRACTS (Stati Uniti). Monthly.
Presents, in English, current meteorologic, hydrologic, and physical
oceanographic abstracts gleaned from foreign and domestic literature. The
abstracts of books, articles, and reprints are arranged by subject
categories with extensive cross-referencing. Monthly author, subject, and
geographical indexes. MGA subscription includes yearly cumulative index. All
inquiries for MGA and MGA's computerized database and CD-ROM should be
directed to Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, 7200 Wisconsin Ave., Bethesda,
MD 20814; phone: (301) 961-6700; fax: (301) 961-6720; e-mail:
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | METEOROLOGIJA I GIDROLOGIJA (Mosca).
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | NIMBUS. "Nimbus
è la rivista ufficiale della SMI/SMS.
Un periodico stimolante e moderno, interamente illustrato a colori, che
unisce al rigore scientifico l'accessibilità di lettura da parte di
chiunque. Oltre ad articoli sui più svariati aspetti del clima e della
meteorologia e dei loro rapporti con le attività umane, dall'agricoltura
all'alpinismo, dall'ingegneria al volo libero, pubblica su ogni numero:
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) |
la Cronaca Meteorologica delle Alpi occidentali,
dell'Appennino settentrionale, della Lombardia
| ![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) |
la rubrica "In
biblioteca" per conoscere tutte le più recenti novità
editoriali di settore
| ![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) |
la rubrica "Convegni", per sapere di cosa si
parla nel mondo atmosferico (e partecipare...)
| ![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) |
la rubrica "La posta" per comunicare con la
redazione e gli altri lettori
| ![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) |
la rubrica "InterMet" con informazioni sulle
novità in campo meteorologico e climatologico".
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | PAPERS IN METEOROLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | REVISTA DE METEOROLOGIA MARITIMA
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | REVUE DE GÉOGRAPHIE DE LYON
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | SCIENTIA ATMOSPHERICA SINICA
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | THE METEOROLOGICAL MAGAZINE
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | THE AUSTRALIAN METEOROLOGICAL
MAGAZINE (trimestrale)
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | THE WMO BULLETIN. The Bulletin is the official journal of the World
Meteorological Organization. It is published quarterly (January, April,
July and October) in separate English, French, Russian and Spanish editions.
As well as reports of meetings and programme news, each issue contains an
interview with a scientist of international renown, items of general
interest and feature articles on subjects in the Organization's domain.
These include aeronautical meteorology, agrometeorology, climatology (including
climate change), education and training, environmental meteorology, air
pollution, hydrology and water resources, marine meteorology, observations
and instruments, satellite techniques, telecommunications, tropical
meteorology, desertification, weather analysis and forecasting and weather
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | WATER, AIR, AND SOIL POLLUTION - AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF
Publishing Company, Dordrecht - Holland / Boston - U.S.A. (si pubblica 1
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | WEATHER
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) |
![](_themes/vvillas/bullet_h.gif) | ZEITSCHRIFT FUR METEOROLOGIE