
Maurizio Guasco


Nato a Valenza (Italy) 26.04.1964, si rende disponibile per stage, personal trainer per ballerini, coreografo e insegnante di danza contemporanea, moderna e televisiva. Organizzatore di eventi.




La Chiave di Campo Pisano Scuola di teatro (Genova Italy)

Edena Torti Mandirola Scuola di danza teatro (Valenza Italy)

Walter Venditti Scuola del Balletto Ambrosiano (Milano Italy)

Byan & Garrison California Dance Center (Milano Italy)

Piccolo Teatro di Milano Scuola di danza Teatro (ora Paolo Grassi)

Laurea in insegnamento come insegnante di danza moderna presso la Libera Università di Danza di Mantova (Italy)

Lindsay Kemp Company (London)

Robert Kovich of Merce Cunningham Company

Philip Beamish Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet (Canada)



1982 con la compagnia la Chiave di Campo Pisano a Grenoble (France)

1983 con la compagnia la Chiave di Campo Pisano a Vienna (Autrich)

1984-1985 con la compagnia la Chiave di Campo Pisano a Teatro Instabile di Genova (Italy)

1987 Canale 5 “Cantando Cantando”(Italy)

1988 Festival internazionale di Vignale Danza (Italy)

1989 Teatro Comunale di Ferrara (Italy)

1989 Teatro di Porta Romana “Milano Oltre…” (Italy)

1989- 1990 – 1991 with Travel Mundial Exibition a Budapest (Hungary)

1992-1997 con la coreografa Michela Cortelazzi, Italian tour (Italy)

1999 Ballerino ospite al Premio Manfredi a Manfredonia (Italy)

2000-2002 con la compagnia La Goccia di Novara “Greate Musicals” italian tour (Italy)

2000 RAI 1 (Italy)

2001 RAI 1 (Italy)

2001 Rete Quattro TV (Italy)

2002 RAI 1 (Italy)

2003 RAI 1 (Italy)

2004 RAI1 (Italy)

2005 RAI1 (Italy)

2007 Soggettista per il film documentario “Valenza, una città da ballare”

2008 RAI1 (Italy)


Dal 1986 è direttore della Scuola di Danza Vietata Riproduzione

2000 Direttore Regionale della  Libera Università di Danza of Mantova

2000 Responsabile settore danza all’ International Fitness Festival of Rimini

2000 Responsabile settore danza all’ International Fitness Festival of Trieste

2000 Responsabile settore danza all’ International Fitness Festival of Torino

2001 Responsabile settore danza per il premio Danzaitalia Free Way Marina di Camerota

2001 Responsabile settore danza per il premio Prix for Dance Free Way Marina di Carrara

2000/2006 Responsabile settore danza per il premio European Dance Project

2001/2007 Organizzatore dei concorsi nazionali European Dance Project  e Talenti del Terzo Millennio

2002 Responsabile settore danza per il premio  Dance Free Way Marina di Carrara

Dal 2004 Responsabile Tecnico Nazionale per la Danza Moderna del CSEN-CONI

2010 Direttore di scena per la compagnia di Musical La Valigia dei sogni

2010 Coreografo ufficiale dei Giochi Mondiali della pace Roma




1989 Teatro di Porta Romana Milano (Italy)

1989 Teatro Comunale di Ferrara (Italy)

1990 Travel Mundial Budapest (Hungary)

2000 Giudice al concorso Danzalcamo (Sicilia Italy)

2001 Giudice al concorso Federazione Nazionale delle Associazioni di Scuole di Danza Faenza

Master Classes per scuole e Università

2003 Master Class per la Dance University of Colima (Mexico)

2003 Master Class per la Festival Crociere (Greece)

2003 Guest Star per la  Swarowsky (Italy)

2004 Master Classes per la Dance University of Cape Town (South Africa)

2004 Work shop nella conferenza internazionale “Confluence 4” a Cape Town

2007 Master class di danza moderna per Pattinatori olimpionici per il Circolo del Ghiaccio di Jaca Spagna allieve Carolina Kostner, Sara Meier Figure Skating International summer camp Jiaca H.J. Mishin Team

2007 Master Class di danza moderna per accademia di danza di Jaca Spagna

2008 Coreografo per la compagnia Joven Ballet del Pirineo Jaca Spagna

2009 Coreografo per la compagnia Joven Ballet del Pirineo Jaca Spagna



Il Prof. Maurizio Guasco ha appreso e sviluppato una particolare tecnica di sbarra a terra adatta sia ai ballerini che alla riabilitazione per gli sportivi. Una tecnica che prevede l’utilizzo di movimenti dolci isotonici e isometrici, uniti in una particolare sequenza che rivitalizza e tonifica l’intero corpo , ottenendo un alta elasticità e l’allungamento muscolare


Differenti tecniche ed esperienze dirette, gli permettono di sviluppare un nuovo modo di interpretare il jazz unito al Funk, hip – hop.
Un connubio ideale per realizzare video performance


Tra il 1989 e il 2008


Fluente  -  Inglese, francese e italiano

Nozioni di tedesco

Prof. Maurizio Guasco


15048 Valenza AL

0039 338 5429398 mobile


E – mail :

Maurizio Guasco

Via degli orti 9, 15040 Rivarone AL, Italy

Phone: + (39) 338 542 9398



Dance Director / Choreographer / Event Manager


§  Highly accomplished Choreographer and a trained Contemporary Dance Teacher with over 25 years of experience in conceiving, developing and implementing the artistic vision behind a stage presentation of a dance programme as well as overseeing aesthetic values and activities

§  Successfully leading a team of professional entertainers and creative people combined with the ability to carry out smooth operation of assigned events from initial planning to final completion

§  Skilled in creating new dance routines and directing stage dance presentations for various forms of entertainment as well as coordinating with musicians and auditioning new performers

§  Extremely creative, having uniquely developed dancing techniques for dancers and non-dancers alike as well as created shows for the television and music videos

§  Developed a gentle movement called Floor Barre Technique for rehabilitation from dance and sport injuries which reshapes and revitalises the entire body through a series of exercises using body weight and isometric pressure to obtain maximum elasticity, line and strength

§  An excellent communicator with the ability to work well under pressure in fast-paced and time sensitive environments, as well as interact effectively with individuals from diverse nationalities and comfortable working in a multi-cultural set-up


Core Competencies:


▪ Choreographing Dancing Steps ▪ Directing Stage Shows ▪ Knowledge of Funk, Hip Hop & Jazz ▪ Developed Techniques for Dance & Sport Injuries ▪ Event Planning & Organising ▪ Team Management ▪ Communication Skills ▪ Motivating Performers ▪ Schedule Adherence ▪ Resource Management ▪ Budget Control ▪ Multi Lingual Skills


Key Achievements:


Please refer to the ‘Annexure’


Key Deliverables across Career Span:


Event Manager:

§  Liaising with clients to ascertain their precise event requirements

§  Producing detailed proposals for events including timelines, venues, suppliers, legal obligations, staffing and budgets as well as managing schedules and budgets

§  Securing and booking a suitable venue or location and coordinating with the venue management, caterers, stand designers, contractors and equipment hire

§  Identifying and securing speakers or special guests

§  Planning room layouts and the entertainment programme along with scheduling workshops and demonstrations

§  Coordinating with clients and designers to create a brand for the event by organising the production of tickets, posters, catalogues and sales brochures

§  Liaising with the marketing and PR teams to promote the event as well as troubleshooting on the day of the event to ensure that everything runs smoothly


Dance Director / Choreographer:

§  Directing rehearsals to instruct dancers on how to use dance steps and techniques to achieve desired effects

§  Experimenting with different types of dancers, steps, dances and placements to test ideas informally

§  Recording dance movements and their technical aspects by using a technical understanding of the patterns and formations of choreography

§  Re-staging traditional dances and works in dance companies' repertoires and developing new interpretations

§  Advising dancers on how to stand and move properly, teaching correct dance techniques to help prevent injuries

§  Auditioning performers for one or more dance parts

§  Choosing the music, sound effects or spoken narrative to accompany a dance

§  Directing and staging dance presentations for various forms of entertainment

§  Managing dance schools and assisting in their management

§  Seeking influences from other art forms such as theatre, visual arts and architecture

§  Coordinating with the production music and Music Directors

§  Designing dances for individual dancers, dance companies, musical theatre, opera, fashion shows, film, television productions and special events and for dancers ranging from beginners to professionals

§  Developing ideas for creating dances, keeping notes and sketches to record influences

§  Designing sets, lighting, costumes and other artistic elements of productions in collaboration with cast members


Career Progression:


Vietata Riproduzione Dance School, Italy

Director                                                                                                                                           DIC 1986 – Present


Mondial Peace Play (Giochi Mondiali Della pace) Rome, Italy

Official Choreographer                                                                                                                                   DIC 2010


La Valigia Dei Sogni Company, Italy

Scene Director                                                                                                                          SEP 2008 – JUNE 2010


Prix European Dance Project 3rd Millennium Talents, Genova, Valenza, Lecce Italia

Art Director                                                                                                                           APRIL 2001 – APRIL 2012


CSEN – CONI, Italy

National Modern Dance Referent                                                                                                       Sep 2004- Present


National Prix for Dance Free Way and European Dance Prix, Marina di Carrara, Marina di Camerota Italy

Dance Reference


Canale 5 Show” Cantando Cantando”

Actor and Dancer Sep 1989- June 1990                                                                                                                                                  Nov 2001  – April 2002


Teatro di Porta Romana, Teatro Comunale di Ferrara

Director dance Company and Coreographer                                                                                           Sep - Dic 1989


Travel Mundial Budapest

Dancer and Coreographer                                                                                                          April 1988 – April 1990



International Fitness Festival, Torino,Trieste, Rimini Italy

Dance Reference                                                                                                                         Nov 2000 – June 2001



Libera Università di Danza, Mantova, Italy

Regional Director                                                                                                                        Sep 1996 – June 2000




Bachelor as a Modern Dance Teacher                                                                                         Sep 1996 – April 2000

Libera Università di Danza, Mantova, Italy


Bachelor as Modern dance Teacher

CONI –CSEN                                                                                                                                     Sep 2004


Bachelor as Coreographer

CONI – CSEN                                                                                                                                    Sep 2008


Professional Training:


§  Acting Course, La Chiave di Campo Pisano Actor School, Genova, Italy, 1981-1983

§  Dance tehater Course, Edena Torti Mandirola Dance Theatre School, Valenza, Italy, 1981-2000

§  Ballet dance Course, Walter Venditti Balletto Ambrosiano Classical School, Milano, Italy, 1986

§  Modern jazz Course, Byan & Garrison California Dance Centre, Milano, Italy, 1987

§  Dance tehater Course, Piccolo Teatro di Milano Dance Theater School, Italy, 1987

§  Assistant for stage, Lindsay Kemp Company, London, UK, 1989

§  Contemporary Course, Robert Kovich of Merce Cunningham Company, New York, USA, 1990

§  Assistant for Floor Bar Course, Philip Beamish Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet, Canada, 2003


Personal Details:


Date of Birth: 26th April, 1964; Gender: Male; Marital Status: Engaged; Nationality: Italian; Driving Licence: Italian; Languages Known: English & French (Fluent), Italian (Native) and German (Proficient)




Dance Performances:


§  RAI!, Italy,

§  Subject of Film ‘Valenza una città da ballare’, 2007

§  RAI1, Italy, 2008, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000

§  La Goccia Company ‘Greate Musicals’ Italian Tour, Italy, 2000 – 2002

§  Rete Quattro TV, Italy, 2001

§  Premio Manfredi in Manfredonia, Italy, 1999

§  Michela Cortelazzi Company, Italian tour, Italy, 1992 – 1997

§  Travel Mundial Exhibition, Budapest, Hungary, 1989 – 1991

§  Teatro di Porta Romana ‘Milano Oltre’, Italy, 1989

§  Teatro Comunale di Ferrara, Italy, 1989

§  International dance festival of Vignale Danza, Italy, 1988

§  Canale 5 Television, Italy, 1987

§  Campo Pisano Teatro Instabile of Genova, Italy, 1984 – 1985

§  Campo Pisano Company in Vienna, Austria, 1983

§  Campo Pisano Company, Grenoble, France, 1982


Guest Teaching and Master Classes:


§  Choreographies for Joven Ballet del Pirineo Jaca, Spain, 2009

§  Choreographies for Joven Ballet del Pirineo Jaca, Spain, 2008

§  Master Class modern dance for Dance Academy, Jaca, Spain, 2007

§  Master class for Figure Skating International summer camp Jiaca H.J. Mishin Team students Carolina Kostner e Sara Meier, 2007

§  Work shop in Confluence 4 Cape Town, Africa, 2004

§  Master Classes for Dance University of Cape Town, South Africa, 2004

§  Guest Star for Swarowsky, Italy, 2003

§  Master Class for Festival Cruisers, Greece, 2003

§  Master Class for Dance University of Colima, Mexico, 2003

§  Competition judge for Federazione Nazionale delle Associazioni di Scuole di Danza Faenza Italian Master Classes for Dance Schools, 2001

§  Competition judge for Danzalcamo, Sicily, Italy, 2000

§  Travel Mundial Budapest, Hungary, 1990

§  Teatro Comunale di Ferrara, Italy, 1989

§  Teatro di Porta Romana Milano, Italy, 1989


Conventions (1989 – 2008):


§  Hilty Duca d’Aosta Milano

§  Folletto Milano Firenze, Roma

§  Banca Sella Credito Valtellinese Milano

§  Borotalco Robert’s Firenze

§  Glassex Omino Bianco Montecarlo

§  ENIT promozione Italia Budapest

§  Hymer camper Vigevano

§  Inaugurazione Teatro Comunale di Valenza