Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca
Scuola Media Statale
Via Petrarca, 19 – 33100 UDINE

Centro Territoriale Permanente
per l’istruzione e la formazione in età adulta di Udine

The CTP-Centro Territoriale Permanente is a state school involved in lifelong-lifewide learning.
Anyone 15 years of age or over, with or without Italian citizenship or previous schooling, who officially reside in Italy can register.
The CTP offers learning modules in:
- Italian: reading and writing
- Italian as a foreign or second language (70 hours) at elementary, intermediate and advanced levels (Council of Europe, Framework, 2001),
Each module lasts 3 months:
o September /October to Novembre/December
o January to March
o April to June
Lessons are held 2/3 days a week from Monday to Friday, in the afternoons and/or the evenings.

Registration: open all year

The CTP also offers other courses:
- Courses in preparation of the Licenza Media (Middle School Leaving Certificate – Italian compulsory schooling requirements) and for recognition of higher schooling qualifications obtained in other countries (up to 800 hours),
- Basic computer modules (Word, Excel, Internet; from 10 to 30 hours),
- Long life learning activities.
The C.T.P. in Udine also offers:
- Information and educational advice,
- Welcoming and guidance in language learning,
- Credits in and certification of basic linguistic competences.
The CTP in Udine also works in collaboration with the Università per Stranieri di Siena and is an examination center for:

* CILS-Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera (Certification of Italian as a foreign language) – exam sessions in early June and December
* Certificazione delle competenze in Didattica dell’ITALiano a Stranieri-DITALS (Certification of teaching competences in teaching Italian as a foreign language) – exam sessions in late July and mid December.

For information and registration:
CTP-sede in via Petrarca n.19; 33100 Udine

tel. 0432.299029 fax 0432 299029

CTP Office hours:
Monday to Friday from 15.30 pm to 18.00 pm
