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SQLite2 and SQLite3 plugins
I finished the new SQLite3ProfessionalPlugin and it really rocks, especially on Intel Macs. It has all the features I anticipated in a recent post like full-text search, Universal Binary supports, RB API supports and much more.
A new assistant
At SQLabs we have a new assistant: Say hello to Sanciok
Bambini Trust Cafe
Having “cafe” in the title is a tad misleading, judging by the prices and the quality of the food, it is less a cafe and more of a restaurant. But this is a good thing, the food is divine, the menu made up of truthful dishes founded on
Violenza sui bambini: uno studio delle Nazioni unite
BBC NEWS | Special Reports | Study reveals global child abuse. Abusi presenti in ogni paese, ogni società e in ogni gruppo sociale. The first UN study of global violence against children says such abuse is often socially approved or
Doctor House: Woah
I like soooooo much Dr. House:. This is a small preview of what we'll see next Wednesday at 9PM in Italy. Wednesday for me pizza and Dr. House
Two mistakes
"There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth, not going all the way, and not starting." - Buddha
Bambini villaggio voodoo
Thanx for all your comments
Just do it.
I just finished to run 20Km (12.43 miles) in 2 hours. I am really satisfied
I am running a lot during these months, every day I try to run at least 5km (about 3.1 miles). Today I have run more than 12km (about 7.5 miles). Tomorrow I'll try to run 22km (about 13.7 miles), it is half a marathon.
It Cannot Be Done
A Chinese proverb said: "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it." I really like this post. This is exactly what I am doing with my next super secret project grow

La Girandola Il portale dei bambini - H O M E
La Girandola è il portale italiano al mondo di Internet dedicato ai bambini.
Italy - Missing Children Website
Rete Internazionale. Argentina, Australia, Belgio, Brasile, Canada, Cile, Costa Rica, Grecia, Irlanda, Malesia, Messico, Paesi Bassi, Regno Unito, Spagna
Il Paese dei bambini che sorridono
Lo scopo di questo sito per bambini, è quello di raccogliere in un memoria virtuale, tutto il materiale come, favole, fiabe, poesie, poesie per bambini,
La Città dei Bambini
[Genova] Allestito al porto antico come spazio ludico-didattico-educativo per bambini e ragazzi di età compresa tra i 3 ed i 14 anni.
Babyonweb.com il portale del divertimento per i bambini
Mette a disposizione dei bambini una sezione sulle fiabe e filastrocche del mondo, personaggi di fantasia, giochi ed avventure di viaggio nella storia e
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