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in Al Ahram weekly http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/print/2006/818/cu2.htm. -Chuck Jones-. Message: 2 From: <cejo@uchicago.edu> To: iraqcrisis@listhost.uchicago.edu MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Middle-school principal yanks play dubbed too mature for students
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/814/c u4.htm Palestinian Territories on brink of volcano: Deputy Premier "The Palestinian cause will pay the price if the situation remained in this way," al-Sha'er warned, adding that if civil war
Generations .
http://www.world-crisis.com/analysis_comments/A147_0_15_0_C http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2004/687/region_ror.htm http://www.al-awda.org/abusitta.html http://www.afsc.org/pwork/0102/010220a.htm http://www.ifamericansknew.org/
This week&#39;s news from the EEF Press report: &quot;Mummy figures
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/808/hr2.htm A tour through the second Royal Mummies Hall at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. * Press reports: "Ramses statue moved to new home" / "Pharaoh statue moved near Pyramids"
Dershowitz vs. Gordon: The Sequel
Read, on: weekly.ahram.org.eg/2003/664/op41.htm - Gordon comparing Israel's behavior to that of Nazi Germany on Kristallnacht, in a piece that appeared in Al-Ahram and a dozen other anti-Semitic journals; and -
Tenuous Possibilities
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/819/re62.htm See also Khalid Amayreh's "National Unity Government is victory for Hamas" at The Palestine Information Center Yesterday, Ismail Haniyah announced the suspension of talks on a unity
And now. . . .the news from the EEF Press report: &quot;Rare Egyptian
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/813/hr1.htm Press report: "Greek language engravings discovered in Alexandria" http://www.hellenicnews.com/readnews.html?newsid=5558&lang=US "The engravings, which were discovered close to the Amoud al-
Badran on the Women&#39;s Mosque Movement
Reprinted from al-Ahram. Women are flocking to mosques around the world. Now, during Ramadan, they are packing mosques nightly in All rights reserved. Al-Ahram Weekly Online : Located at: http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/816/cu2.htm
And now. . .this week&#39;s news from the EEF Press report
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/811/he1.htm "A look at a number of projects either completed, in progress, or planned for the coming years. " Hatem Hamdy Odah, Geomagnetism and Archaeology: Principles and Applications. State of the Art,
Dr Zahi talking about Museums
The Akhenaten Museum in Minya, the Mosaic Museum in Alexandria, the Portrait Museum in Fayoum, and the Coin Museum at the Citadel are other examples of this type of museum. This continues @ http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/818/he3.htm

Al-Ahram Weekly | Books Supplement | Vegetal and mineral memory
The city of Alexandria played host on 1 November to the renowned Italian novelist and scholar Umberto Eco , who gave a lecture in English, on varieties of
Al-Ahram Weekly | Region | Third Intifada coming
Israel appears sure that increasing aggression against the Palestinians will lead them to internal collapse whereas it is more certain to lead to a new
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