

5 yr pal mare!!
She is a Leo bred quarter horse mare;. She would make a nice broodmare because she is and has been turned out with foals and yearlings and she loves them. She loads great. She does have a fear of clippers. She is currently is finishing
i like to leeve in aaaaah-mare----reeee-caaaaaaaaaaaaaa
if they were afraid a certain new mexico national guard unit was chuck full o' gang members (ie people who are what i like to call OFF WHITE, ie hispanic) shouldn't they have checked them PRIOR to allowing them into the service and
Rescued Mini Mare
Honey is a super sweet mare; who has had a rough patch in life. Her right front leg has a twisted tendon and she has been foundered on top of this. I have taken her to the vet and they said she is in no pain and is moving remarkably well
WONDERFUL mare for long term lease
I have an absolutely amazing mare;. She is young and ready to learn anything you want to teach her. She has no vices stands great worms farriers well trailers trail rides ring rides minimal jumping but she loves it.
Dejected, sad and bruised
Inside and out right now. Everything is completely FUBAR with moving. I'm still covered in bruises from the last one. Large nasty purple ones all over my stomach, thighs and knees. But right now they seem to be like nothing compared to
A bumper pull horse trailer for my 30 year old Morgan Mare
We have 2 children and bills are just too much for us to allow any room for us to purchase a trailer for my mare;. My grandmother also adopted a saddlebred that was also very underweight about 500 pounds and was eating WOOD to stay alive
Olindo Mare
Mare; has been traded by Miami to New Orleans were he's expected to supplant 43-year-old John Carney
Phelps Heading For Mare Nostrum
The man rocketing towards a sphere beyond any other in world swimming is on a trajectory towards a summer of racing in Europe
A morbidly good time at the Night Mare Ball
D love to support young talent and this Saturday's Night Mare; Ball (dubbed "a superconscious art party") had all the cute, young hipsters out in full-force. The invite requested all black attire and upon entrance to a dimly lit loft
The Day Mom Stood Up For Me
Mom was right there for me when I called from High School to tell her that I was to represent the school in a Home Economics Competition. I could hardly wait to tell her…. She . .
EuroMETEO - Meteomar, Bollettino del mare
Il nostro bollettino del mare emesso tutti i giorni feriali alle ore 00:00 UTC con le previsioni a 48 ore per tutti i 15 bacini circostanti l'Italia. - Marevivo - Il mare non è fatto solo d'acqua
Associazione ambientalista nata per tutelare il mare e le sue risorse, offre documenti, informazioni sulla legislazione corrente, novità, ed una sezione
Terre di Mare
Turismo accessibile a Genova e in Liguria. Sportello informativo per persone disabili che vogliono viaggiare, vivere il tempo libero, partecipare a eventi,
Pagina Mare
Ligure costa E: soleggiato con velature localmente consistenti, in dissolvimento; venti in regime di brezza; mare poco mosso o quasi calmo; visibilità buona! Il portale Italiano della Meteorologia
Il Bollettino del Mare relativo ai bacini del Mediterraneo, è consultabile Clicca qui per saperne di piu' su bollettino del mare e suddivisione bacini
Galata Museo del Mare
Orari, tariffe e video di presentazione.
Comune di Vietri sul Mare - Home
Sito ufficiale dell'amministrazione comunale, con informazioni istituzionali, turistiche, storiche e commerciali.
Arpa Mare
(27/7/2006) Il dicastero ambientale ha deciso di valorizzare la risorsa mare e si trasforma in Ministero dell´Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del
Dal mare a - Regione Abruzzo Settore Turismo
Le localita' balneari abruzzesi. Hotel. Numeri utili.
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