It is permitted the use of Baudot, ASCII, AMTOR (FEC and ARQ), Packet.
The same station can be worked only once per band, regardless the type of
Date and time
This contest lasts 48 hours, during the last week-end of September, from
0000 UTC of Saturnday to 2400 UTC of Sunday. There are no QRX periods, you
can work all 48 hours.
From 10 to 80 meters, excluding WARC bands. Contacts made via digipeaters or
gatways are not valid.
Single operator, single band
Single operator, all bands, low power (less than 150 W output)
Single operator, all bands, high power (more than 150 W output)
Single operator assisted, all bands
Multi operator, all bands, single TX, low power (less than 150 W output)
Multi operator, all bands, single TX, high power (more than 150 W output)
Multi operator, all bands, multi TX
Stations residing in the continental US (thus except KH6 and KL7) and in
Canada (VE) will give RST + state/province code + WAZ zone.
Other stations will give RST + WAZ zone.
1 point for each QSO with stations of the same country
2 points for each QSO with stations of the same continent
3 points for each QSO with stations of other continents
All multipliers are counted separately for each band.
one multiplier for each continental US State and for each Canadian Province
one multiplier for each country in DXCC and WAE lists
one multiplier for each WAZ zone
Note: Canadian province of New Brunswick has
now the VE9 prefix, instead of the old VE1.
Total score
The sum of points times the sum of multipliers.
There are plates for winners of each category worldwide, with awards for
second and third places. Also awards for winners of each category in each
There must be a log, dupe sheet and multiplier list, separately for each
band. Also a sheet with totals and a signed declaration stating that you
operated following both general amateur radio and contest rules.
If you send logs on a floppy, you must write on the envelope the software
you used for it and you must nevertheless include the totals sheet with
the signed declaration.
Log must be sent before December 1, at the following addresses: