Italy, and Rome in particular, have the privilege to organize the first
military games. The Rome ARI (Italian Amateur Association) Section created
this award to commemorate the event, in collaboration with the Games
- Duration
- From 00:00 UTC of September 2, 1995 to 24:00 UTC of September 30, 1995
- Partecipation
- All OM - YL - SWL worldwide
- Bands
- All HF and VHF bands allowed in each country
- Modes
- Only SSB and CW, excluding VHF repeaters, EME, etc.
The same station can be contacted only once the same day on the same band.
- Required Score
- Italian stations: OM 35 points, YL 30, SWL 20
European stations: OM 25, YL 20, SWL 10
Other stations: OM 15, YL 10, SWL 5
You must wait half an hour for a new QSO, when changing band.
The Rome ARI stations will give RS(T), a progressive number and the UTC
time. Each station gives 2 points. Every day a jolly station will also be
on the air, giving 5 points per QSO.
At the end, there will be three different classifications for SSB, CW and
VHF. The first three of each mode will receive a plate.
The Rome ARI members with top scores will also be awardened with a plate.
To apply for the award, you must send a log listing the QSO, until
October 30, 1995 (sending date will be considered), to the following
address, including Lit. 15,000 or $ 10: