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The Italian April Award

On April 1, 1998, I became crazy enough to start a new Award.
To understand its name, you must know first of all that in Italy we call April Fishes what is called April Fools in anglo-saxons countries, that is the jokes you do on April 1, mainly on newspapers.
I decided thus to create the Italian April Award which is sent to anyone contacting my amateur radio station (IK0WRB) on April 1.
Please note that this does not infringe any national nor international rules of amateur radio, because I operated only with my own call and I am free, as anybody else, to give a gift to whoever I want. And by the way I also hope that people have a bit of humour...
Because of the Italian name of April jokes, all awards I give are based on fishes or anyway the marine environment.
Awards are sent, direct, at my own charges and I amused myself designing and printing them on my ink-jet.

Italian April Award rules

Each contact with IK0WRB on April first of every year is valid for the award.
With just one QSO you get the Basic Fish Award. Contacts cumulate over the years and when you reach one of the following awards, you receive it.
  • Phone Fish Award, with a second contact (band or year) in SSB
  • Continuous sea Wave Award, with a second contact (band or year) in CW
  • Rtty Fish Award, for a second contact (band or year) in RTTY
  • Five Fishes Award, for QSO on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 m bands
  • Whale Award, for QSO on all nine HF bands or 5 HF plus 1 VHF and up
  • Stations /MM get immediately the Whale Award
  • Listeners get the Sea Wave Listener Award

This is one of the Basic Awards sent for 1998 operations

What do you think about?
Do you like it?
Do you think I should operate again on April 1, 2000?

Send your feedbak

I did not operate on April 1, 1999, because this is no jokes time.

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