The Fast Manager Project

Developing a program for automatic
cheking of contest logs

by IKØWRB - as of April 10, 1999

Version 0.8 for Dos and 0.7b for Linux !

Latest news: I am working, although very slowly, to a Win32 version of Fastman. When ready, I will release it on this page. What follows is the past history of the program.

I have been contacted by some members of ARI section of Rome, to develop a computer program for the automatic checking of contest logs.
The contest in which my program will be used will be mainly Italian VHF/UHF ones, but I think that with a little more effort it could be useful in most contests, even in HF and worldwide (well, let me dream a little...).

Among the planned features, you can find:

By the way I have no idea of the features that will be really included in the final product. Perhaps they will be less that those listed, but perhaps also that I will include much more. All this depends also on your feedbacks and suggestions (and criticism, always welcome).

At the moment I have completed version 0.7 Beta for both MS-DOS and Linux

I have implemented log import for Fastlog 3.2 and 3.3, Geco, Taclog native, REG1TEST, I4XCC and VHFCT

Program development

All features supported in present version are documented in the doc file on the distribution archive (dos) or in the man page (Linux).

Download Fastman 0.8 / 0.7b
Dos version Linux version
If you have installed the Slackware distribution of Linux just do installpkg fm-0.7b.tgz after unzipping the zip file, if any. as root on your system.

E-mail me your ideas
Home page in English
Prima Pagina in Italiano

© 1996-1999 Vinicio Coletti, IK0WRB