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Buon Giorno, Roma!
Yes yes, I have arrived. Now what? Back home, It took me AGES to decide whether I take the MAC or the PC. I decided on the MAC because I need to get friendlier with it, and it's about time I started to trust it.
Buon giorno fellow colleagues!
So if my Geek-cred wasn't fully established before now with a couple years participation in a Solar Car Club and Radio Station back in college; the time I spent living in a Technically Advanced Residential Dwelling with some great
Buon Giorno!
I'm in Milan (that's a shot above from my hotel in the Brera district), and then I'm off on Thursday to Puglia for a food conference presented by Oldways. Posting will continue, along with some help once I head south from intern
Bon Giorno, On account of the Realease of Nike´s new mobinspired
Bon Giorno, On account of the Realease of Nike´s new mobinspired and sought after sneaker collection The Italian Collection of SB, we at Cali would like to invite you to a party mafia style.The party takes place the 16 november at hotel
Hallo HalloHallo, Bonjour, Bon Giorno, CiaoHallo Hallo Hallo
October 19, 2006. Quote: Every form correctly seen is beautiful. The eye doesn't see any shapes, it sees only what is differentiated through light and dark or through colors.: Goethe. Lexar CompactFlash cards are cards that I count on
Ignatieff Campaign Relies on US Law to Challenge Rae Delegates
Something about the Ignatieff campaign's challenge to 78 Rae delegates caught my attention. According to the appeal letter, Team Ignatieff claims that the Rae delegates are the uncurable poisoned fruit of fraudulent activity .
Buon giorno di Firenze
A week ago I was in Ann Arbor. Let me pause to take a deep breath, because I'm laughing so hard I could cry. Ha. Ann Arbor. Ha ha. Ha ha ha. I guess I've only been in Firenze for 6 days - I arrived late Monday afternoon, but it already
Regina per un Giorno
For years I went around saying I had heard Voigt's first and last Salome, that being her unstaged reading at Tanglewood, so I assumed. Seriously, people simply started dropping dead from how tiresome I was about it.
Un Nuovo Giorno
14 hours and 5700 miles from now I’ll be waking up in Rome. (Dig all you cats later. Have a safe and happy halloween everyone.) [memo to self: remember that all your clocks will be wrong when you get home.

Il giorno, il resto del carlino, giornali italiani, quotidiani
Il giorno, il resto del carlino, La Repubblica, giornali italiani, quotidiani italiani, quotidiani online, riviste.
Corriere della Sera Foto del giorno
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Santi, beati e testimoni Enciclopedia dei Santi
I Santi del giorno: l'etimologia, gli emblemi iconografici, la vita, le immagini, le opere e la leggenda dei santi. Una sezione speciale è dedicata ai Papi.
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INFORM - Informazioni del giorno
Notizie quotidiane per gli italiani all'estero. Archivio arretrati online.
Presentazione quotidiana del Vangelo secondo il calendario liturgico fissato dalla Chiesa cattolica.
Pillola del giorno dopo - aborto e contraccezione
Informazioni su pillola del giorno dopo, aborto, contraccezione d'emergenza; testimonianze e risposte dell'esperto.
Il Giorno - Wikipedia
Il Giorno è un quotidiano di Milano, con edizioni locali nelle principali Nell'estate 1959 il Giorno si è già collocato tra i maggiori quotidiani
[ Buba ] una foto al giorno
Buba. Una foto al giorno.
Poi disse: "Chi di voi, se un asino o un bue gli cade nel pozzo, non lo tirerà subito fuori in giorno di sabato?". E non potevano rispondere nulla a queste
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